


The Working Stress of Teachers: A Meta-Analysis


黃寶園(Bao-Yuan Huang)


同質性檢定 ; 效果量 ; 教師工作壓力 ; 後設分析 ; Effect size ; meta-analysis ; tests of homogeneity ; working stress of teachers




38期(2015 / 06 / 01)


27 - 48






The purpose of this study was, through a meta-analysis, to examine the past studies in Taiwan regarding the working stress of teachers, in order to understand the intensity of the stress and the differences between the stressors. Also, through the tests of homogeneity, the important variables which affected the results of this study for the working stress of teachers were analyzed. There were eighty one reports collected in relation to the working stress of teachers. As a result, the weighted average effect size of the working stress of teachers was 0.4187, which reached the .01 level of significance, and was a low effect size. The presumed variables, including the different educational levels where the teachers taught, and areas where the researches were done were all important variables to affect the results of the working stress of teachers. Besides, there were other important variables. The differences between the stressors of the working stress of teachers reached the level of significance. The workload stress and the professional stress were both significantly higher than the personal interaction stress.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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