


An Analysis of the Boundary of Ethnic Friendship in Taitung County- A Case Study of the Sixth Graders in 2015


游宗輝(Tsung-hui Yu);黃琇屏(Hsiu-ping Huang)


原住民 ; 族群關係 ; 族群交友 ; 人際關係 ; indigenous ; ethnic relations ; ethnic friendship ; interpersonal relationship




44期(2018 / 06 / 01)


43 - 61






Data used in this study was drawn from the student questionnaire of Taitung County belonging to the first phase of "the Construction of the Eastern Taiwan Education Panel Survey," which was sponsored in 2015 by the Ministry of Science and Technology. Cross-tabulation and Log-linear model were utilized to examine the hypotheses. The findings of this study show that in the choices of intrapersonal friendship among the sixth graders in Taitung County, whether they are Taiwanese Hokkiens or indigenous people, there was a relatively significant friendship insularity in the outflow or inflow of ethnic friendship matching in the percentage cross table; the reason might be that both the Taiwanese Hokkiens and indigenous people have greater opportunities to meet one another as they have a larger population in the Taitung region. However, the population of Taiwanese Hakkas and Mainlanders is much smaller, and it is also easy to underestimate the marginal effects of their friendship insularity; among the three groups, the number of Mainlanders is the lowest, which immensely affects their chances of choosing to make friends with other Mainlanders in interpersonal friendship. In the further log linear analysis, the difference in friendship insularity among the sixth graders in Taitung County was not great, with Mainlanders having a higher ratio and more opportunities in making friends with their same ethnic group. In general, the boundary of ethnic friendship among various ethnic groups was not remarkable.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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