


Refined Version of Willig's Foucauldian Discourse Analysis: Gee's Discourse Analysis and Theatre Images as Two New Wings


洪雅鳳(Ya-Feng Hung);蔡素琴(Su-Chin Tsai);羅皓誠(Hao-Cheng Lo);劉淑慧(Shu-Hui Liu)


文本分析方法 ; 論述分析 ; 傅柯 ; 劇場圖像 ; text analysis ; discourse analysis ; Foucault ; theater images




2卷1期(2014 / 03 / 01)


51 - 75






With the rise in postmodern thoughts, there has been an increased in attention to different approaches of qualitative research. This study proposed a text analysis method for Foucault's subjectivity, the way an individual fight with dominant social discourses. Willig proposed a six-stage method of Foucault-type discourse analysis. Through this analysis, researchers highlighted the subjectivity progressively. This study employed Ricoeur's perspective within which a detour through linguistics is adopted to achieve Foucault's understanding of subjectivity. More specifically, we integrated Gee's micro discourse analysis and Willig's Foucauldian discourse analysis to illustrate the circuitous paths between linguistics and social performance analysis. We then supplemented this with theatre imagination to facilitate reflection. The goal of this methodology was to describe the discourse hidden in the text, the power relationship, and the individual subjectivity within the discourse, as a way to achieve key validity for critical theory and to inspire social changes. We also presented an example about a bereaved mother suffering from the violent death of her daughter to illustrate the steps in this analysis. Finally, we examined the quality of this method and suggested its application.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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