


Exploration and Analysis of The Essentials of Enjoyment To The APP Game Player




林賢才(Shan-Chai Lin);邱文靖(Wen-Ching Chiu)


數位遊戲 ; APP ; 探索式因素分析 ; digital game ; APP ; exploratory factor analysis




11期(2015 / 12 / 01)


104 - 119




近年由於無線網路架設更趨成熟,及廣泛使用行動上網裝置如雨後春筍般的成為目前之潮流,除幾乎為年輕族群的生活必需品,甚至高齡族群使用者亦為數不少。而安裝於行動裝置之微型應用軟體(APP)亦應運而生。行動裝置APP遊戲亦蔚為潮流,一時間APP遊戲呈現出百花爭鳴的榮景,而某些行動裝置遊戲APP甚為廣泛流行及受歡迎,如Angry Bird、Candy Crash等遊戲。本研究經由選取目前廣受喜愛APP遊戲,以心流理論及遊戲設計元素相關理論作為基礎,整合APP遊戲的特性,經由項目分析及因素分析方法探索APP遊戲其受歡迎及喜好的設計要素。研究發現APP遊戲使用者愉悅性要素分為五大類分別為創意設計性、簡易可及性、社交互動性、沉浸性、遊戲靈活度,共計25題項。研究結果可供為未來資訊或文創相關業者在執行行動裝置APP遊戲設計開發時的依據。


In the past few years, cell phone Apps and the related device industries are leaping forward to the current top trend. many different kinds of choices for their smart phones APP game are provided. By applying the method of purposive sampling on the popular Apps and Basing on the hypothesis of flow and Aesthetics theories related to elements of game design, this research inspects and analyses the essential properties of App. This research found that the essential enjoyment properties of App with five different catalogs, which are creative-design、easy-usability、social-interactivity、 features of immersion、game-flexibility respectively. This research outcome will be provided to those game designers and cultural creative designers for reference in terms of APP game development in the future.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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