


The Effects of Practitioner's Attitude, Transformation Pressure, Organizational Acceptance on Rganizational Commitment: The Case of the Government Employees after the City-County Merging




張美瑤(Mei-Yao Chang)


縣市合併 ; 組織再造 ; 從業態度 ; 變革壓力 ; 認同感 ; 組織承諾 ; city-county merging ; organizational reengineering ; practitioner's attitude ; transformation pressure ; acceptance ; organizational commitment


Journal of Data Analysis


7卷4期(2012 / 08 / 01)


13 - 31




縣市合併後,新直轄市的體系中必須仰賴公務人員擔任行政任務的執行者,然而他們歷經了組織變革過程,面對著因為人力資源的重組、行政任務的調整、工作內容的增加、組織文化的調適而導致公務人員對於合併後的新組織型態產生認同上的問題。據上,本研究擬針對上述議題進行調查並探究縣市合併後公務人員之從業態度(信任、工作投入)以及變革壓力對於合併後組織認同與組織承諾的影響。本文主要結果發現如下:1. 合併後員工對於組織之信任與認同感,略低於對主管與同事之信任與平均認同分數。2. 市府員工之一般性承諾略高於情感性的承諾。3. 員工在變革壓力等負面變數上之填答平均數卻高於其他正面意義變項。4. 工作投入可能為員工用以調適變革壓力與心理失調之機制。5. 從業態度(信任、工作投入)對於組織認同與承諾皆產生正向影響。6. 與預期不同,我們發現適度的變革壓力可促進員工加強組織心理連結(信任、組織認同)、工作投入以及組織承諾間之作用效果。7. 組織認同對組織承諾產生正向影響。


After the merging of the city and county, the new municipal system should depend on the public servants to serve as the enforcer of administrative tasks. However, since they already experience the process of organizational change several times, the public servants have a problem in accepting the new organizational pattern after the merging when faced with reorganization of human resource, adjustments in the administrative tasks, increase in work contents, adjustments in organizational culture. Thus, this study investigated on the effect of practitioner's attitude (such as trust and work involvement) and transformation pressure on the organizational identification and organizational commitment after the merging of the city and county. The results of this study are as follows:1. After merging, the employees tend to have lower trust and acceptance on the organization itself than toward their superiors and colleagues.2. The general commitment of the city government's employees are higher than their affective commitment.3. The employees has a higher mean on the negative changes such as transformation changes than other positive meaningful variables.4. Work involvement can be used as the mechanism in adjusting to transformation pressure and psychological imbalance.5. Practitioner's attitude (such as trust and work involvement) has a positive effect on organizational identification and organizational commitment.6. Different from this study's expectation, it found that moderate transformation pressure can promote the increase in the organizational psychological connection (trust and organizational identification), work involvement and organizational commitment.7. Organizational identification has a positive effect on the organizational commitment.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 管理學
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