


The Study on the City Consumption Power of Health Food in Taiwan




陳月蓉(Yue-Rong Chen);張光昭(Kuang-Chao Chang);邱俊誠(Chun-Cheng Chiu)


城市消費力 ; 保健食品 ; City Consumption Power ; Health Food


Journal of Data Analysis


8卷5期(2013 / 10 / 01)


97 - 112






Purpose: The study was aimed (1) to analyze the correlation between the disease medical expenses of the top ten death causes in the Taiwan National Health Insurance (NHI) and City Consumption Power (CCP) of health food, (2) to build the decision trees models for CCP of health food in order to assist the food biotechnology companies for selecting decisive variables, and (3) to group the CCP distribution and identify their characteristics for providing the recommendations of marketing by cluster analysis and discriminant analysisMethods: In the study, the databases from the City Consumption Power data set by Dr. Ben-Chang Shia, Fu Jen Catholic University, the statistical report by Ministry of the Interior, and by Department of Health were integratedly analyzed by statistical methods combining data mining techniques including cluster analysis, discriminant analysis and decision trees analysis.Conclusion: The study firstly concluded that the higher on the CCP of health food in Taiwan, the higher the NHI medical expenses on malignant tumors, heart diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, pneumonia, chronic lower respiratory diseases, chronic liver disease, hypertension, and nephritis. Secondly, according to the decision trees models for CCP of health food, NHI medical expenses on malignant tumors, heart diseases and diabetes were the three main variables for grouping CCP of health food. From the results the Taiwan market of health food could be divided into three categories, named as the group of emphasis on health, optimistic attitude, and golden-mean, respectively. Then, based on the characteristics of each group, some different marketing strategies were suggested for increasing CCP of health food in the study.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 管理學
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