This study explored how the flipped classroom model could be applied to a calculus course in a department of applied mathematics and what effects it could have on students' calculus learning. It was an action research study of teaching calculus in this department of applied mathematics, and lasted for one academic year. The data resources included learning journals, learning feedback sheets, reflection journals, interview records, and test scores. The findings were as follows: 1) The strategies developed in this research promoted the following core values of the flipped classroom model: self-regulated learning, cooperative learning, and teacher-student interactions. 2) The application of the flipped classroom model in the calculus course helped to overcome students' individual differences, their difficulties solving problem individually after class, and the lack of teacher-student interactions. It also boosted students' learning outcomes: Students exhibited improved learning attitudes, improved understanding of teaching materials, enhanced problem-solving abilities, and higher confidence. In addition, students in the flipped classroom scored significantly higher than those in the traditional classroom.
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