This study investigated the effectiveness of Desmos graphing calculator in improving the quadratic function learning outcomes of junior high school students with learning disabilities. A between-subject multiple probe design, which is one of the single-subject research approach, was conducted on 2 ninth grade students with learning disabilities at a junior high school in Taipei. The experiment consisted of 3 stages: baseline, intervention, and retention. A 3-week quadratic function graphics course developed by the investigator was provided, revealing that incorporating Desmos in quadratic function graphics teaching produced immediate and retained learning effects among the students. The average correct rates of these two students were 38.3% and 40% in the baseline period when they did not use Desmos, and their average correct rates were 84% and 70% in the intervention period after they started using Desmos. Using Desmos can not only increase the correct rate of test questions, but also improved their learning attitudes; specifically, the students learned more proactively and confidently.
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