
從WHO 2020身體活動指引觀點探討肌力與平衡能力對高齡者之重要性


Muscle Strength and Balance to the Elderly from the Perspective of the WHO 2020 Guidelines on Physical Activity




陳家羚(Jia-Ling Chen);莊淑娸(Shu-Chi Chuang);張歆妤(Hsin-Yu Chang);江勁政(Ching-Cheng Chiang)


健康促進 ; 身體表現 ; 跌倒預防 ; health promotion ; physical performance ; fall prevention




9卷2期(2022 / 09 / 01)


79 - 91




目的:以WHO 2020身體活動指引觀點來探究肌力與平衡能力對於高齡者之重要性。方法:綜整WHO 2020身體活動指引與高齡者有關之重要資訊及肌力、平衡能力對於高齡者身體表現影響之國內、外文獻,使讀者了解身體活動的重要性。結果:高齡者任何持續時間的身體活動都與改善健康有關,平衡和功能性訓練可以降低跌倒率,而進行一系列不同類型的身體活動有助於改善各種身體機能。結論:高齡者除了可在日常生活透過簡易的步行或在安全前提下進行高強度間歇訓練,提高身體活動量外,每週應進行3天或更多天的多變、多組成身體活動,特別是強調功能性平衡及中等或更高強度的肌力訓練,以增強功能性能力並防止跌倒。


Purpose: Exploring the importance of muscle strength and balance to the elderly from the perspective of the WHO 2020 guideline on physical activity. Methods: A narrative review of important information related to the elderly in the new edition of the WHO 2020 physical activity guidelines, and domestic and foreign literature review on the effects of muscle strength and balance on physical performance of the elderly that helps readers to understand the importance of physical activity. Results: Older adults involved in physical activity is associated with improved health outcomes regardless of duration. Balance and functional exercises reduce the rate of falls. Engaging in a range of different types of physical activities can help to improve physical function in different aspects. Conclusions: In addition to the amount of physical activity through walking or high-intensity interval training under safe conditions in daily life, elder people should engage in various physical activities for 3 or more days a week, especially emphasizing functional balance and moderate or higher-intensity muscle training to enhance functional ability and prevent falls.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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