In order to investigating the possible operation models for teachers to infuse civic literacy into university professional curriculum, this study take example of the curricula- "Selected Readings in Literary Works with Writing Practice II" from Chinese Literature Department, and "Ecotourism" from Tourism Department, to make analysis on operations of infusing curriculum design. Through the analysis on the syllabuses of the two curriculums, non-structural interview with the teachers, teaching assistants and students, as well as the experience sharing videotaping records from the two teachers in the result publication at the end of semester, I try to put the pieces together for the features on the curriculum and teaching design in the two profession curriculums with infusing civic literacy. Finally, according to the analytical journey on the opening code, principal axis code as well as selective code of Grounded Theory, I also sum up the research results as important reference for promoting civic education in the various universities in the future.
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