Workplace management and control of workers by employers has always existed. With the development of technology, employers have been monitoring the labor force by means of profiling software, biometric identification systems, global positioning systems (GPS), and radio frequency identification (RFID) systems. In particular, with the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data technologies, there is a trend of deepening the violation of labor information privacy. This paper provides a brief overview of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union, as well as relevant U.S. statutes such as the ECPA, NLRA, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and the Japanese Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA). In addition, the U.S. law such as the ECPA, the NLRA, the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the Japanese Personal Information Protection Act, and the related laws and regulations in Japan, which provide a certain degree of protection for the privacy of labor information, will be considered as the future protection of labor information privacy in China. In addition to reviewing and comparing the current development and legal systems of the European Union, Japan, the United States, and China regarding the privacy of labor information, this paper summarizes what can be taken into account and systematically analyzes the different types of privacy and the infringement of privacy. In addition, this paper will use the interview method to grasp the current status of the protection of labor information privacy and its implementation, as well as the problems that may arise and exist in China. After analyzing and discussing the above information, the paper proposes some directions to amend the law and suggests: 1. strengthen the promotion of the importance of information privacy; 2. establish and publish administrative guidance as an important implementation basis for the enterprise endpoint; 3. set up a communication platform for multiple parties; 4. establish a labor and protection supervision mechanism; 5. actively implement the labor inspection system to strengthen the protection by intervention and inspection. Through the establishment of the above mentioned systems, the privacy of labor information in our country will be more appropriately protected by the system in the future.
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