


Exposure Assessment of Laborers in Charge of Spraying Organic Phosphorus Pesticides


林志鴻(Chih-Hung Lin);李聯雄(Lien-Hsiung Lee);毛義方(I-Fang Mao);陳怡如(Yi-Ju Chen);陳怡泓(Yi-Hung Chen);廖凱威(Kai-Wei Liao);蔡鄢安(Yen-An Tsai);陳美蓮(Mei-Lien Chen)


有機磷農藥 ; 暴露評估 ; 健康風險 ; Organophosphate pesticide ; Exposure assessment ; Health risk




31卷2期(2023 / 06 / 20)


79 - 96




有機磷農藥因其短效性,被農業界廣泛使用,運用範圍涵蓋各種高經濟效益之栽植作物,如果園、菜園和茶園。調查發現,國內農藥的使用量高達3∼4萬噸以上,其中又以有機磷的使用量最高。然而,部分研究已證實,有機磷農藥會在人體抑制膽鹼脂酶的作用,使乙醯膽鹼蓄積於神經,進而導致中毒現象發生,且部分有機磷農藥也顯示具有潛在致癌性。儘管我國先前已針對農民和農藥製造廠之勞工進行完整的暴露調查,但對於目前新興行業之環境用藥噴灑作業勞工研究甚少,尤其是栽植作物因會混合多種農藥,且需長時間高密度的噴灑,故此類作業勞工的暴露現況與健康風險值得深入調查與探討。本研究完整收集40人次之栽植作物噴灑作業勞工的空氣與皮膚貼布樣本進行分析,研究對象皆為男性,平均年齡為40.8±12.3歲,工作時會配戴吸呼防護具者達97.5%,但未戴手套者亦高達60%。針對達馬松、大滅松、大利松、陶斯松、巴拉松、愛殺松及一品松等7種有機磷農藥的空氣採樣分析結果發現,空氣樣本檢出率以陶斯松與達馬松為主,分別為93%與68%,而愛殺松及一品松則均未檢出。皮膚暴露方面,以陶斯松的檢出率與劑量均為最高,其次為達馬松,而愛殺松則未檢出。至於空氣濃度亦以陶斯松為最高,且勞工經呼吸暴露之每人每公斤體重之呼吸暴露量(ADD_(RE))為9.19μg/kg/day;經皮膚暴露之每人每公斤人實際皮膚暴露吸收量(Absorbed Daily Dosage, ADD_(DE))平均值則為78.15μg/kg/day。此外,根據作業環境暴露濃度之安全限值(Margin of Safety, MOS)也發現,勞工農藥暴露尚無急毒性風險,但有慢毒性風險,其暴露風險最高依舊是來自陶斯松。有鑒於此,本研究建議勞工從事噴灑作業時,需依不同農藥之毒性及人體暴露途徑不同而使用不同之安全防護措施,且需全程配戴完整個人防護具。特別是在下班或休息期間,建議勞工可先進行簡單盥洗或更衣,以減少皮膚暴露之吸收,同時,噴藥人員應依規定接受農藥代噴技術人員的訓練,以建立正確之用藥與安全防護措施。


Organophosphate pesticides are widely used in agriculture due to their short-term effectiveness, with applications covering various high-value crops such as orchards, vegetable gardens, and tea gardens. Investigations have found that the domestic use of pesticides amounts to more than 30,000 to 40,000 tons, with organophosphate pesticides being the most commonly used. However, some studies have shown that organophosphate pesticides can cause poisoning by forming acetylcholinesterase enzymes in the human body, and some organophosphate pesticides have also shown potential carcinogenicity. Although previous studies have conducted comprehensive exposure investigations on farmers and pesticide manufacturing workers in our country, there is little research on the exposure and health risks of workers in emerging industries that use environmental pesticides for spraying, especially for crops that mix multiple pesticides and require long-term and high-density spraying. Therefore, the exposure status and health risks of such workers deserve in-depth investigation and discussion. This study collected and analyzed air and skin patch samples from 40 workers involved in crop spraying operations. The study subjects were all male, with an average age of 40.8±12.3 years, and 97.5% of them wore respiratory protective equipment during work, but 60% did not wear gloves. The air sampling analysis results for seven organophosphate pesticides, including dimethoate, phoxim, diazinon, chlorpyrifos, pirimiphos-methyl, fenitrothion, and monocrotophos, showed that the detection rates in air samples were mainly for diazinon and dimethoate, at 93% and 68%, respectively, while pirimiphos-methyl and monocrotophos were not detected. In terms of skin exposure, diazinon had the highest detection rate and dose, followed by dimethoate, while pirimiphos-methyl was not detected. As for air concentration, diazinon had the highest concentration, and the ADD_(RE) value of pesticide exposure through respiratory exposure for workers was 9.19 μg/kg/day, while the average ADD_(DE) value for exposure through skin was 78.15 μg/kg/day. In addition, according to the risk estimation MOS value of the exposure concentration in the work environment, it was found that there was no acute toxic risk of pesticide exposure for workers, but there was still a risk of chronic toxicity, with the highest exposure risk coming from diazinon. In view of this, this study recommends that workers engage in spraying operations using different safety measures according to the toxicity and different exposure routes of different pesticides, and that they should wear complete personal protective equipment throughout the process. Especially during off-work or rest periods, it is recommended that workers perform simple washing or changing clothes to reduce skin absorption, and pesticide sprayers should receive training from pesticide proxy spray technicians to establish correct pesticide use and safety measures.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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