


Paradigm Shift-The Research From "Brain" to "Heart": Understanding the Self-Narrative and Grief Healing From Qualitative Interview to Self- Narrative




黃小玲(Shiao-Ling Huang)


自我 ; 自我敘說 ; 哀傷 ; 哀傷療癒 ; 質性訪談 ; self ; self-narrative ; grief ; grief healing ; qualitative interview




6輯(2018 / 12 / 01)


89 - 115




筆者的原生家庭經歷過2次因為車禍事故而喪失親人的經驗,再加上,在臺灣車禍事故是造成年輕人死亡的主要原因,故想瞭解經歷親人車禍喪生的車禍遺族,是如何因應失去親人的哀傷,而興起訪談家人的念頭。然而,筆者原先是傳統心理學訓練背景,腦袋的認知是「量化」的研究才是符合科學的研究。「質性研究」中的「訪談法」像是用標準作業程序(standard operation procedure, SOP),來客觀的收集質性資料、分析資料,然後從分析結果來形成我們對人的理解。是用「腦」思考、分析更多的研究法,所以,我稱它是「腦」的研究。在實際進行訪談時,卻發現按照訪談大綱收集訪談資料的困難,難在於訪談大綱無法貼近受訪者的生命脈絡,不同受訪者有不同的生命脈絡,生命是無法被切割成幾個問題來收集資料的。再加上,訪談過程中看到父母的哀傷,衝撞到我對「談哀傷能療癒哀傷」的相信。因此,放棄訪談法,改成自我敘說,筆者想透過自我敘說去理解自己「如何從談哀傷中療癒自己的哀傷」。然而,「自我敘說」研究,說自己的生命故事,重新審視自己的一生,看清楚發生在自己身上的事件之關聯性和意義,再透過對自身生命經驗的陳述與分享,讓別人理解他是怎樣看待和理解這些發生在自己身上的事情。這歷程像是從打開自己禁錮已久的「心」出發,真實靠近與理解自己忽略已久的「心」,因為再度關心,而活化了這顆「心」,最後,真「心」的和別人分享自己的發現和喜悅,所以,我稱它是「心」的研究。且透過自我敘說,整體的理解自己的生命之後,筆者發現原先想理解的「談哀傷能否療癒哀傷?」和「哀傷如何被療癒?」已經不再重要。因為,筆者對「哀傷」有了不同的理解,認為生活本來就會經歷喜、怒、哀、樂等情緒,而哀傷也只是我們眾多情緒中的一種,所以,哀傷無須療癒,而是要去覺察自己的哀傷情緒、認識自己的哀傷情緒,並試圖轉化自己扭曲的或非理性的認知想法。只要我們不壓抑、不逃避的去正視發生在我們身上的任何情緒,都將有助於我們更認識自己。透過自我敘說,我不只對哀傷療癒有不同的理解,也學到一項新的生活技能「敘說與實踐」及找回自我。


The author interviewed her family to know how a traffic accident caused grief in the loss of family, because the original family of the author had the experience of losing family twice in traffic accidents, and a traffic accident is the main reason for bringing about young peoples' deaths. But the author's training comes from traditional psychology; the quantitative research in accordance with science. The qualitative interview has a standardization program to collect and analyze data which will conform to the provision of scientific research. According to the preparation of the qualitative interview, knowing and executing research methods come from documents that discuss grief. When collecting data for interview respondents, it is hard to gain a close understanding of the respondents' life context if following the interview outline. Different respondents have different life-contexts that cannot be dissected in just a few questions, and the interview process with the author's parents could be offensive with the author's belief of "talking about grief can help the healing process." Therefore, the author gives up the use of a qualitative interview, and instead uses a self-narrative to understand "how to heal from grief by talking about it." However, life has continuity! The experiences of life will foremost affect people's responses to major events in their lives. We should know the whole growth context and social culture if we want to understand those who have been bereaved of a loved one by a traffic accident so we can know how to help them face and treat the grief, which is something that cannot be summed up in a single event. Passing through the self-narrative to know the author's life, with questions such as "Can we heal grief by simply talking about grief?" and "How do we heal grief?" are no longer important because there is now a different understanding about "grief." In life we experience moods such as happiness, anger, sadness, laughter over, and over again, which is part of a natural life. Accordingly, "grief" is one of those feelings, unrelated to healing or not, a feeling to just experience.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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