This study examines the career development of library catalogers with outstanding performance in order to understand their career opportunities, career planning, learning and transformation at each stage, and to explore the influence of formal cataloging education, continuing education, and informal workplace learning on their professional growth. The data for this study comes from in-depth interviews with 14 university library catalogers out of the 30 library catalogers elected and awarded by the National Central Library from 2009 to 2011 for their outstanding performance. The in-depth interviews suggest four conclusions: (1) although most of the catalogers majored in library science due to their University Entrance Exam scores, they were willing to become librarians during their college years and, after graduating from college, gradually focused on career development; (2) catalogers think highly of their university education, and consider the training received during their internships important for instilling in them a sense of professionalism and confidence at work; (3) catalogers are usually trained in the workplace with a one-on-one coaching model; in addition, their learning needs and opportunities for continuing education depend on their personal desires as well as institutional policies, with catalogers working at large university libraries having the most opportunities for career development; (4) outstanding catalogers always pursue excellence and achievement at work, and their constant learning and innovative attitude helps them increase their professional competence in information technology and management. Finally, this study makes several suggestions to library science education, university libraries, the library science associations, the National Central Library, and cataloguers.
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