


A Relationship Study on Food Safety and Work Performance for the Catering Staff in Hospitals in Taiwan


呂俊毅(Leu, Jun-Yi);鄭珊珊(Cheng, Shan-Shan);黃韶顏(Huang,Shau-Yen);倪維亞(Ni,Wei-Ya);林憲鴻(Lin,Hsien-Hong)


食品安全 ; 知識管理 ; 工作績效 ; Food Safety ; Knowledge Management ; Job Merit




6卷1期(2019 / 08 / 01)


41 - 52






The purpose of this study explores hospitality workers in the hospitals about their food safety knowledge, knowledge management, and job merit by calculating their survey scores, differential, and relationship through the percentage levels, average, standard deviation, one-factor ANOVA, and Pearson Product-Moment Correlation analysis from the 377 self-made and purposive survey samples. As for food safety knowledge, the scores of environmental pollution, the pesticides, and food addictives are the highest, the second high, and the lowest. As for knowledge management, the ranking of scores is as followed as knowledge application, knowledge obtainment, knowledge storage, and knowledge shares. As for job merit, the scores of job networking are higher than job assignment. Regarding with the relationship analyses, there is no relationship between food safety and knowledge management, but positive relation between food safety and job merit.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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