






員工建言 ; 領導




1卷2期(2014 / 12 / 01)


20 - 32





主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
  1. 周麗芳、任金剛、林守紀(2013)。轉型領導與建言行為:文化價值觀的關鍵角色。組織與管理,6(2),115-159。
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  7. Burris, E. R.,Detert, J. R.,Chiaburu, D. S.(2008).Quitting before leaving: the mediating effects of psychological attachment and detachment on voice.Journal of Applied Psychology,93(4),912.
  8. Detert, J. R.,Burris, E. R.(2007).Leadership behavior and employee voice: is the door really open?.Academy of Management Journal,50(4),869-884.
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  14. Hsiung, H. H.(2012).Authentic leadership and employee voice behavior: A multi-level psychological process.Journal of business ethics,107(3),349-361.
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  18. Liu, W.,Zhu, R.,Yang, Y.(2010).I warn you because I like you: Voice behavior, employee identification, and transformational leadership.Leadership Quarterly,21(1),189-202.
  19. Maynes, T. D.,Podsakoff, P. M.(2014).Speaking more broadly: An examination of the nature, antecedents, and consequences of an expanded set of employee voice behaviors.Journal of Applied Psychology,99(1),87-112.
  20. McClean, E. J.,Burris, E. R.,Detert, J. R.(2013).When does voice lead to exit? It depends on leadership.Academy of Management Journal,56(2),525-548.
  21. Morrison, E. W.(2011).Employee voice behavior: Integration and directions for future research.The Academy of Management Annals,5(1),373-412.
  22. Morrison, E. W.,Wheeler-Smith, S. L.,Kamdar, D.(2011).Speaking up in groups: a cross-level study of group voice climate and voice.Journal of Applied Psychology,96(1),183-191.
  23. Rusbult, C. E.,Farrell, D.,Rogers, G.,Mainous, A. G.(1988).Impact of exchange variables on exit, voice, loyalty, and neglect: An integrative model of responses to declining job satisfaction.Academy of Management Journal,31(1),599-627.
  24. Tangirala, S.,Ramanujam, R.(2012).Ask and you shall hear (but not always): Examining the relationship between manager consultation and employee voice.Personnel Psychology,65(2),251-282.
  25. Van Dyne, L.,Kamdar, D.,Joireman, J.(2008).In-role perceptions buffer the negative impact of low LMX on helping and enhance the positive impact of high LMX on voice.Journal of Applied Psychology,93(6),1195.
  26. Van Dyne, L.,LePine, J. A.(1998).Helping and voice extra-role behaviors: Evidence of construct and predictive validity.Academy of Management Journal,41(1),108-119.
  27. Venkataramani, V.,Tangirala, S.(2010).When and why do central employees speak up? An examination of mediating and moderating variables.Journal of Applied Psychology,95(3),582-591.
  28. Walumbwa, F. O.,Schaubroeck, J.(2009).Leader personality traits and employee voice behavior: Mediating roles of ethical leadership and work group psychological safety.Journal of Applied Psychology,94,1275-1286.
  29. Wang, Q.,Weng, Q.,McElroy, J. C.,Ashkanasy, N. M.,Lievens, F.(2014).Organizational career growth and subsequent voice behavior: The role of affective commitment and gender.Journal of Vocational Behavior,84(3),431-441.
  30. Zhang, Y.,Huai, M. Y.,Xie, Y. H.(2014).Paternalistic leadership and employee voice in China: A dual process model.The Leadership Quarterly,26(1),25-36.
  31. 李銳、凌文輇、柳士順(2009)。上司不當督導對下屬建言行為的影響及其作用機制。心理學報,41(12),1189-1202。
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  33. 熊欣華、蔡年泰、陳建安(2003)。員工意見表達行為:前因及其對主管績效評量之影響。臺大管理論叢,23(2),133-163。
  1. 蔡毓靜,陳殷哲(2020)。情緒勞務與建言行為關係之研究-以主動性人格為調節變項。企業管理學報,45(4),33-61。
  2. 胡瑛麒,何清治,朱羽莛(2023)。組織信任對知覺領導風格與醫院員工建言行為之中介效果。醫學與健康期刊,12(3),23-35。
  3. (2022)。探討認知策略與建言行為之關係研究-以領導風格為調節變數效果之討論。樹德科技大學學報,24(2),113-132。
  4. (2023)。建言行為之統合分析研究。管理研究學報,23,33-73。