


Study on Service Quality Improvement among Nonprofit Organizations: Analysis of Taipei Zoo Education Center Using the House of Quality Model




林士彥(Shih-Yen Lin)


動物園 ; 非營利組織 ; 服務品質 ; 品質屋 ; 決策 ; zoo ; nonprofit organizations ; service quality ; House of Quality (HOQ) ; decision-making




19卷2期(2005 / 04 / 01)


65 - 84




本研究旨在探討非營利組織之服務品質,並以臺北市立動物園教育中心做實證研究,應用服務品質缺口模式探討動物園教育中心實際運作情況,藉由導入品質機能展開之品質屋(House of Quality, HOQ)模式,掌握顧客的心聲,整合組織各部門執行服務品質需求的關鍵品質技術和管理制度,建立一個適合動物園教育中心之服務品質管理分析模式,作為優先執行或重點管理之決策,以有效管理提昇其服務品質的關鍵品質技術。最後提出服務行銷建議,作為臺北市立動物園教育中心之參考。研究結果發現,前五項重要品質技術改善項目,分別為「主題教育活動與常設特展」、「教育解說多媒體放映」、「提供線上即時資訊」、「定時定點解說服務導覽」和「動物標本與生態全景展示」。


The objective of this study is to explore service quality in nonprofit organizations. Taking the Taipei Zoo Education Center as an example, we applied empirical research methods. To enhance visitor's learning outcomes, the education center must improve service quality and customer satisfaction. Considering unique ways of operation, we applied PZB model to establish appropriate service quality assessment and understand service quality gaps. After moderating customer feedback and analyzing service quality data, we integrated the various departments by implementing house of quality (HOQ) and decision-making tools to ensure customized service and prioritization of quality technology to achieve effective management. The primary results showed that the top five quality technologies being implemented are permanent exhibition and educational activities, multimedia programs, online information, guided tours and ecological displays.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
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