The purpose of this research is to explore and interpret the behaviors of family groups during visits to a museum by employing the identity approach of sociology. The focus of this study is on how beliefs, values, attitudes, and norms of family members motivate family groups to visit a museum. Do different motivations for visiting lead to different types of visits among family groups? What are the relationships among motivation, behavior and perception of family groups during a visit? To answer these questions, digital video recordings of the visiting behaviors of 16 family groups in the National Science and Technology Museum (NSTM) were collected and analyzed. In addition, in-depth interviews were carried out to explore the motivations and perceptions of their visits. The collection and analysis of the data relied on the triangulation method, and further accuracy and reliability were obtained by multiple researcher triangulation. The study was conducted from February 2006 to April 2008. The results demonstrated that identity and role affect the visiting behaviors of family groups. Different beliefs, values, attitudes and social norms result in five types of museum visit motivations: homework-based, knowledge-based, nanny-based, family outing-based, and hobby-based. Identity of family members is a potential factor for determining whether a family will visit a museum and its behaviors during its visit. Overall, this study provides a deeper understanding of the nature of behaviors of family groups visiting a science museum based on the exploration of identity and role of family members, which can help museums to create a more family friendly environment.
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