


The Language Attitudes in Post Guoyu Movement Era in Taiwan -- A Study of Taiwanese Young People's Attitudes Towards Five Mandarin Varieties




許慧如(Hui-Lu KHOO)


語言態度 ; 台灣華語 ; 華語口音 ; 台灣國語 ; 口語偽裝法 ; language attitude ; Taiwan Mandarin ; Mandarin varieties ; Taiwanese Mandarin ; verbal guise technique




14卷2期(2019 / 10 / 01)


217 - 253




本研究透過口語偽裝法(verbal guise technique)調查台灣年輕人對五種華語口音的態度,這五種口音分別為外省第二代國語、台灣華語、中國北方華語、中國南方華語、台灣國語。在過去國語運動的脈絡下,前四種都可能是「標準」國語,而台灣國語則是被貼上負面標籤的華語口音。本研究欲探討,未曾經歷過國語運動的台灣年輕世代對這五種口音的態度為何。研究結果顯示,外省第二代國語在台灣年輕人心目中的功能性評價依然最高,但在社交吸引力的評價卻最低。台灣國語得到的評價,正好和外省第二代國語相反。對於這五種口音,受試者普遍能夠判斷這幾個口音的差異。此外,受試者對於中國華語的態度相當持平,並未給予明顯的高評價,而台灣華語則是在各個面向都穩定地得到相當高的評價,且在情感或功能層面的表現差異也最小。


This study investigated young Taiwanese's attitudes towards five Mandarin varieties-2^(nd)-generation Waisheng Mandarin, Taiwan Mandarin, Northern Chinese Mandarin, Southern Chinese Mandarin, and TaiwanESE Mandarin. The first four, if contextualized in the long-term "Standard Guoyu Movement" in Taiwan, can all be considered "standard" Mandarin. This study intends to explore whether the stereotypes towards Mandarin formed and implemented by the Standard Guoyu Movement remain among young Taiwanese people. Results showed 2^(nd)-generation Waisheng Mandarin remains best evaluated in all categories except "Intimacy", while TaiwanESE Mandarin was evaluated in a reverse manner. Chinese Mandarin varieties were not highly evaluated. Meanwhile, Taiwan Mandarin was stably highly evaluated in all categories; the gap between social attractiveness and function of Taiwan Mandarin was the smallest among the five varieties.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
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