


An Action Research on Developing Kindergarten-based Teacher Professional Development Program in a Kindergarten




林育瑋(Yu-Wei Lin)


教師專業成長 ; 行動研究 ; 幼稚園本位之專業成長 ; teacher professional development ; action research ; kindergarten-based teacher professional development




54:1期(2008 / 03 / 31)


15 - 48






In Taiwan, there was little empirical research focusing on school-based teacher professional development in the field of early childhood education. An action research approach is adopted in the kindergarten where the researcher works. The research aims at having a profound understanding of the tendency of the kindergarten toward teaching development and its teachers' need for professional development. The main purpose of this study is to explore the process of designing kindergarten-based teacher professional development activities and to analyze the possible factors which affect kindergarten teachers' professional development. This research is expected to serve as advice for other kindergartens on how to design teachers' professional development activities. This two-year research is conducted in a kindergarten with 18 teachers participating in the process. Classroom observations, open-ended interviews, teaching records, personal journals, and meeting records are the major sources of data. The important findings are as follows. (1) To design kindergarten-based teacher professional development activities, the direction of organization development and the need of teacher professional development must be taken into account. (2) A diversity of development activities are derived from interactions and communications between the director and teachers. (3) The factors affecting kindergarten-based teachers' professional development include: the role of the director, peer interaction, teacher's internal motivation, and the time of activities.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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