


Topical Trends and Issues of Dissertations and Theses from the Graduate Programs of Information Education in Taiwan




方瑀紳(Yu-Shen Fang);李隆盛(Lung-Sheng Lee)


十二年國教 ; 共詞分析 ; 科技教育 ; 科技領域 ; 統合分析 ; 12-year basic education ; co-word analysis ; technology education ; technology learning area ; meta-analysis




62:1期(2016 / 03 / 31)


35 - 69






In the "Directions Governing for the 12-Year Basic Education Curricula" promulgated by the Ministry of Education in November 2014, the new learning area "Technology" is comprised of courses "Living Technology (LT)" and "Information Technology (IT)." This study used co-word analysis of bibliometrics to analyze the evolution directions and knowledge orientation of the research topics of the dissertations and theses from the information education graduate programs in Taiwan and completed in the last decade (2004~2013 academic years). Keywords from 992 dissertations and theses in National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan served as the subject of this study. The results show: (1) The number of dissertations and theses significantly declined; (2) Research topical focuses changed from universal e-learning to e-learning and its instructional design; (3) The primary research topics are information education, and secondary technical-oriented information technology; (4) The co-word network maps indicate the lack of closeness between clusters and inter-nodes, which means that it is not well-structured between research focuses; and (5) The research topics completed do not concern themselves properely with teacher's professional development and information technology literacy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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