


Freedom of Personality through Education: The Role of Education Scholar Shih-Ying Qu in Modern Chinese Education History




劉蔚之(Wei-Chih Liou)


哈佛大學教育學院 ; 教育史 ; 瞿世英(菊農) ; HGSE (Harvard Graduate School of Education) ; history of education ; Shih-Ying Qu (Shih-Ying Chü)




64:2期(2018 / 06 / 30)


1 - 42






Shih-Ying Qu was the only Chinese to obtain a doctoral degree in education from Graduate School of Education of Harvard University in the first half of the 20th century. This avid participant in the May Fourth Movement did not advocate abandoning traditional Chinese culture; his education at Harvard University, which was relatively behind in the field of education, actually held the key to the ensuing development of education philosophy in China. Upon his return to China, Qu first engaged himself to the institutionalization of Chinese academic research on philosophy and then dived into rural mass education, became the longest acting member of the Chinese National Association of Mass Education Movements, and was heart and soul to plans in basic education that the United Nations implemented in various countries after the war. Shih- Ying Qu never lost what he acquired through his Harvard education: a weltanschauung of balance and harmony in the cosmic, in life, and in the world. Farmers in rural areas were enlightened to actualize their individual freedom of personality, which was the realization of his ideals in life and education. This research assesses Shih-Ying Qu’s place in history based on first-hand historical artifacts such as personal files obtained from Harvard University Archives, his publications, and existing research. The depicted image and its historical meaning can shade light on the learning and transfer of external knowledge, which could benefit future education scholars.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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  50. 瞿世英(1920)。學生運動與社會改良。新社會,16,2-3。[Qu, S.-Y. (1920). Student movement and social improvement. The New Society, 16, 2-3.]
  51. 瞿世英(1922)。研究哲學之管見。東方雜誌,19(15),44-53。[Qu, S.-Y. (1922). Opinions on philosophical study. The Eastern Miscellany, 19(15), 44-53.]
  52. 瞿世英(1930b)。教育化的生活與定縣事業。教育與民眾,2(1),1-4。[Qu, S.-Y. (1930b). Pedagogical life and the business in Ding Hsian. Jiaoyu yu minzhong, 2(1), 1-4.]
  53. 瞿菊農(編)(1934b)。現代哲學思潮綱要。上海市:中華書局。[Qu, J.-N. (Ed.). (1934b). The outline of modern philosophy. Shanghai, China: Zhonghua Book Company.]
  54. 瞿菊農(1935a)。從定縣實驗中得到的教育看法。民間(北平),2(10),5-7。[Qu, J.-N. (1935a). My view on education from the Ding County experiment. Min-Jian, 2(10), 5-7.]
  55. 瞿菊農(1944)。戰後教育的趨勢當然是民主的。華聲,1(4),6-9。[Qu, J.-N. (1944). Of course, the trend of postwar education is democratic. The China Voice Fortnightly, 1(4), 6-9.]
  56. 瞿菊農(1939)。中等教育問題之研究。教育通訊,2(17),1-5。[Qu, J.-N. (1939). Study on secondary education. Jiaoyu tongxun, 2(17), 1-5.]
  57. 瞿菊農(1936a)。大學教育與鄉村建設。民間(北平),2(18),1-4。[Qu, J.-N. (1936a). University education and rural construction. Mín-jian, 2(18), 1-4.]
  58. 瞿菊農(1941a)。思想與時代。再生,63,3-7。[Qu, J.-N. (1941a). Thought and its zeitgeist. Zaishen, 63, 3-7.]
  59. 瞿菊農(1936d)。鄉村運動的自省與對於社會的要求。民間(北平),3(1),3-4。[Qu, J.-N. (1936d). The rural movement's introspection and demands on the society. Mín-jian, 3(1), 3-4.]
  60. 瞿菊農(1935b)。鄉村建設問題(三月二十日在俞塘公開演詞)。社教通訊(上海),1(3),3-7。[Qu, J.-N. (1935b). The problems of rural construction. Shejiao tongxun, 1(3), 3-7.]
  61. 瞿菊農(1934a)。現代實在論哲學的價值論。哲學評論,5(3),1-10。[Qu, J.-N. (1934a). The value theory of modern realism. The Philosophical Review, 5(3), 1-10.]
  62. 瞿菊農(1927c)。惟心哲學。哲學評論,1(1),135-170。[Qu, J.-N. (1927c). Idealism. The Philosophical Review, 1(1), 135-170.]
  63. 瞿菊農(1930)。孔德的哲學。哲學評論,3(4),65-78。[Qu, J.-N. (1930). Comte's philosophy. The Philosophical Review, 3(4), 65-78.]
  64. 瞿菊農(1936b)。文字教育的效率:民校畢業生再測驗的結果。民間(北平),3(15),1-3。[Qu, J.-N. (1936b). The efficiency of literary education. Min-jian, 3(15), 1-3.]
  65. 瞿菊農(1943)。社會教育之物件與意義。社會教育季刊(重慶),1,12-21。[Qu, J.-N. (1943). The object and meaning of social education. Shehui jiaoyu jikan, 1, 12-21.]
  66. 瞿菊農(1941b)。國民教育教師之任務與訓練。國民教育指導月刊,1(2),8-13。[Qu, J.-N. (1941b). The duty and training of school teachers. Guomin jiaoyu zhidao yuekan, 1(2), 8-13.]
  67. 瞿菊農(1936c)。以工作答覆批評。民間(北平),3(2),1-4。[Qu, J.-N. (1936c). Using work to respond to criticism. Mín-jian, 3(2), 1-4.]
  68. 瞿菊農(1928)。康德的純粹理性批導(一)。哲學評論,2(2),112-127。[Qu, J.-N. (1928). Kant's critique of pure reason. The Philosophical Review, 2(2), 112-127.]
  69. 瞿菊農(1927b)。從科學到哲學。哲學評論,1(5),99-112。[Qu, J.-N. (1927b). From science to philosophy. The Philosophical Review, 1(5), 99-112.]
  70. 瞿菊農(1940)。除文盲問題之再檢討。教育通訊,3(21),1-6。[Qu, J.-N. (1940). Review on the problems of eliminating illiteracy. Jiaoyu tongxun, 3(21), 1-6.]
  71. 瞿菊農(1932b)。菲希德對德意志國民演講節本序。再生,1(7),1-8。[Qu, J.-N. (1932b). Foreword to Fichte's speech to German volks. Zaisheng, 1(7), 1-8.]
  72. 瞿菊農(1948)。自由人之教育。智慧,51,17-18。[Qu, J.-N. (1948). The education of free people. Wisdom, 51, 17-18.]
  73. 瞿菊農(1942)。社會本位的教育看法。教育與社會,1,25-36。[Qu, J.-N. (1942). Thoughts on social oriented education. Jiaoyu yu shehui, 1, 25-36.]
  74. 瞿菊農(1932a)。現代教育上的幾種新傾向。教育與民眾,4(3),373-388。[Qu, J.-N. (1932a). New trends in modern education. Jiaoyu yu minzhong, 4(3), 373-388.]
  75. 瞿菊農(1927a)。哲學與近代科學。哲學評論,1(2),111-130。[Qu, J.-N. (1927a). Philosophy and modern science. The Philosophical Review, 1(2), 111-130.]
  76. 譚重威(2003)。瞿菊農在北碚。紅巖春秋,3,20-23。
  77. 譚重威(1998)。鄉村建設實驗家瞿菊農。炎黃春秋,8,36-39。