


Systemic Conflicts and Integrations of the Multiple Entrance Program: A Case Study on University T's Experiences from the Perspective of Dialectical Epistemology




曾正宜(Jeng-Yi Tzeng);謝小芩(Hsiao-Chin Hsieh)


矛盾 ; 多元入學方案 ; 高等教育 ; 統合 ; 辯證認識觀 ; conflict ; multiple entrance program ; higher education ; integration ; dialectical epistemology




65:2期(2019 / 06 / 30)


77 - 116






The Ministry of Education launched the Multiple Entrance Program in 2002 to realize principles such as diversified development, social justice, and adaptive prioritization. However, how this program affects universities and students at stake requires further investigations. We conducted a case study on University T, whose innovative student recruitment programs are well-known. We interviewed program-related students, teachers, and a staff member, and analyzed conflicts emerged from the data in accordance with the perspective of dialectical epistemology. We found that once the program is activated, it not only changes the practice of recruitment, but also triggers tensions and conflicts between the department tradition of academic supremacy and students' diversified learning needs, invoking systemic conflicts among university, departments, and students. Therefore, in addition to building consensus and providing supporting measures, the university needs to promote active conversations among the involved parties, and to systematically examine the nature of conflicts and the prospects of integrations, in order to figure out what a diversity campus means to the university and how to achieve it through a series of policy and regulation modifications.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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