


Social Construction Pedagogical Practice in Taiwan: An Application of Self-awareness Supervision Model to Counseling and Guidance Practicum Course at Undergraduate Level




姜兆眉(Chao-Mei Chiang);繆妮晏(Ni-Yen Miao);蘇盈儀(Ying-Yi Su)


反思對話 ; 在地知識 ; 自我覺察督導模式 ; 社會建構教育學 ; 諮商員教育 ; reflection and dialogue ; local knowledge ; Self-awareness Supervision Model ; social construction pedagogy ; counselor education




66:4期(2020 / 12 / 31)


39 - 77






This action research is based on Social construction pedagogy (SCM), combined with utilization of the Self-awareness Supervision Model (SASM) was developed by Taiwanese scholar, Dr. Chin-Yen Chen. The researcher employed SCM and utilize the SASM to provide supervision with the trainees, who will be taking the undergraduate course of Counseling and Guidance Practicum. This study aims to investigate trainees' learning experiences and sensitivity of self-awareness based on Social Constructionism pedagogical perspectives with combination of SASM. The researcher considers herself as a reflective practitioner/instructor while designing the course and providing supervision/instruction, which was investigated in this study. On the basis of SCM position and SASM, four axes, "Relationship, Dialogue, Construction, Knowledge" serve the main rationale for this action research. Students' learning experiences were investigated and functioned as feedback for the instructor's teaching. Essential findings included SCM focusing on dialogue and awareness brought bidirectional interaction between teachers and students; students were able to transfer their learning from dialogues in class to counseling sessions and daily life. Implications and recommendations for counselor training, especially teaching and training in counseling practicum course were presented.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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