


A Discussion on Zhu Jiefan, and His Research on Chinese Proverbs


洪淑苓(Horng Shu-Ling)


朱介凡 ; 諺語 ; 民俗學 ; 俗文學 ; 中華諺語志 ; Zhu Jiefan ; Proverbs ; Folklore Study ; Folk Literature ; Series of Collections of Chinese Proverbs




43期(2013 / 12 / 01)


211 - 213+215-247






Zhu Jiefan (1912-2011) was a localite in Wuchang, Hubei Province, China. He had served as a soldier, reporter, and editor. Chinese proverbs were taught to him by Li Jinxi, who was his venerable master in 1942. In the following year, he began learning folklore studies and literature from Gu Jiegang. Zhu moved to Taiwan in December, 1948 and gained a military position, and was also the Director of the China Arts Association and the China Folklore Community. In order to collect and save Chinese proverbs, Zhu made many contributions by writing and editing his two representative texts: A Discussion on Chinese Proverbs and Series of Collections of Chinese Proverbs. It is important to consider his material gathering, methodology, research structure, and analytical perspective, especially these factors in the Series of Collections of Chinese Proverbs, which should be regarded as an encyclopedic study on Chinese proverbs. Because of their rich and comprehensive content, his books become indispensable as reference materials to study Chinese proverbs. The achievements of Chinese proverbs research by Zhu Jiefan were cited by many scholars, but the discussion and evaluation on his research are barely mentioned. For this reason, this article intends to introduce the life of Zhu Jiefan and to take an overview of his proverbial course of the study as a whole, in order to explore his methodology, research structure and contribution to the research of Chinese proverbs, to also explore how he incorporated many proverb research done by Taiwan local scholars into his own work. Finally, I hope to give an appropriate evaluation to Zhu: a scholar who emigrated from Mainland China to Taiwan and his indelible contribution to the research of Chinese proverbs.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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