


From Exegesis of the Collections of Texts from the Four Books (Sishu Jizhu) to Encyclopedia of the Four Books (Sishu Daquan) -A Survey of the Academic Pedigree of Zhu Xi's Pupils


陳逢源(Chen Feng-Yuan)


朱熹 ; 四書大全 ; 北山 ; 雙峰 ; 新安 ; Zhu Xi ; Encyclopedia of the Four Books ; Bei-Shan ; Shuang-Fong ; Xin-An




49期(2015 / 06 / 01)


75 - 77+79-111






Zhu Xi's work, Exegesis of the Collections of Texts from the Four Books (Sishu Zhangju Jizhu), made the Four Books become canons, while the establishment of the official examination system in the Ming Dynasty was the main cause of officialization of the Four Books. In fact, Yongle Emperor (Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty) decreed to compile Encyclopedia of the Four Books. With the imperial authority, scholars changed their way of pursuing studies when the Four Books transcended the Five Classics and became the core of the Confucian Philosophy. According to these facts, the inheritance of the thoughts from Zhu Xi to his disciples, and then from his disciples to the Yuan scholars became the main system of the classics, which constructs the predominant position of Zhu Xi. Through comparing the contents, I find out their purpose of reconstructing the system. On one hand, Encyclopedia of the Four Books passed on the achievement of the Yuan scholars' annotation in the Xin-An system, and on the other hand, it responded the Xin-An scholars' proposition, which contended against the system of Bei-Shan and Shuang-Fong in order to get the predominant position. At the turn of Song and Yuan Dynasties, threads of schools have divided increasingly, and then the threads of schools, sects, and affections of clan were all transformed into a belief of defending Zhu's study, which was the central object of constructing the Encyclopedia of the Four Books. In order to observe it clearly, I will clarity the academic pedigree of the interpretations of the Four Books after Zhu Xi as well as the complex process of inheritance of the Four Books.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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