With the advancement of the Internet, the media ecology has gradually become individualized, which has enhanced the people's sense of dominance and participation. Virtual characters can only communicate with the public under the media. However, the new media have change that appeared some non-narrative characters. For example: "Mario" of digital games, "Line Friend" stickers of Line community, the virtual idol "Hatsune Miku" (singer), etc.; those break the previous concept of the character image and the public's way of cognition of characters. Therefore, this research is to explore the connection between the feature of virtual characters and the media. Through literature discussion and analysis of the meaning of role definitions, the relevance of media forms and characteristics, through the establishment of three eras of virtual character development to summarize 4 traits orientations and 6 types and values, and select images represented from types of characters and 10 media characteristics to develop a scale. The survey subjects were 347 domestic college students, and the data verified by ANOVA analysis of variance and independent T-test. The results show the existence of character media traits, as also the cognition is different from genre the and different groups, following conclusions were made: 1. The media traits have been coming collaborative relationship of community groups. 2. Able to diversified values of transmedia and age. 3. Intelligence is an important core spirit. 4. people will be gradually virtualization themselves. It is hoped that the research results can be used as a reference for future related character creation and design industry.
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