


Can the Offering Price Discount Affect the Subscription Demand for Initial Public Offerings?




王朝仕(Chao-Shi Wang)


新上市公司股票(IPO) ; 資訊不對稱 ; 折價 ; 折扣 ; 申購需求 ; initial public offerings (IPO) ; information asymmetry ; underpricing ; discounting ; subscription demand




35卷1期(2018 / 03 / 01)


79 - 102






Severe information asymmetry in the market of initial public offerings (IPOs) renders it difficult for investors to determine the intrinsic value and underpricing of IPOs, thereby hindering transaction decision-making. However, the information on IPO discounts (i.e., the difference between a premarket price and the IPO price) is readily accessible to investors. Therefore, this study investigated the relationship between discounts and subscription demands by (1) determining whether discounting is a key factor in subscription decision-making and (2) examining the double-edged effects of discounting. The empirical findings suggest that moderate discounting strengthens subscription demand, whereas excessive discounting weakens it. Moreover, an analysis of IPO underpricing (based on the share price of the matching firm) reveals that even when interfirm differences in financial status are accounted for, underpricing does not explain subscription demand. In short, IPO discounts account more fully for subscription demand than do IPO underprices.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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