


The Impact of Mentoring Vocational Function on Job Performance: The Mixed Effect of Mediating and Moderating




黃識銘(Shyh-Ming Huang);范凱棠(Kai-Tang Fan)


師徒職涯功能 ; 組織承諾 ; 工作績效 ; 服務破壞意圖 ; mentoring vocational function ; organizational commitment ; job performance ; service sabotage intentions




36卷1期(2019 / 03 / 01)


83 - 116






Based on social exchange theory, the mentoring vocational function enable employees engage higher organizational commitment to promote their job performance. However, employees would easily generate service sabotage intention caused by retaliation toward customers' negative feedback. Hence, service sabotage intention is expected to moderate the relationship of mentoring vocational function and organization commitment on job performance. 266 employees from Taiwanese automobile industry were surveyed, the non-response bias and common-method bias were tested and no serious threat was found. Results suggest that mentoring vocational function and organizational commitment have positive effects on job performance, and mentoring vocational function has positive impact on organizational commitment. Organizational commitment is additionally found to have partial mediating effect of mentoring vocational function and job performance. Service sabotage intention has moderating effects between mentoring vocational function and job performance, i.e., mitigating pattern. In addition, service sabotage intention has moderating effects between organizational commitment and job performance, i.e., violating pattern. The achieved results have confirmed the model of the mixed effects of moderating and mediating. Theoretical implications have been suggested along with the direction for future researches.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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