


The Symbiosis Strategies among Multiple Institutional Logics: A Case Study of "CAN Culture Art and Nature"




陳蕙芬(Hui-Fen Chen);張瑜倩(Yu-Chien Chang)


制度邏輯 ; 制度複雜性 ; 策略性回應 ; 社會企業 ; 質性個案研究 ; institutional logic ; institutional complexity ; strategic response ; social enterprise ; qualitative case study




38卷4期(2021 / 12 / 01)


613 - 640






It is inevitable for modern organizations to deal with multiple institutional logics in their daily operations. Social enterprises have a dual focus on solving social problems and being financially sustainable; as a result, it has become crucial for them to respond to these social conflicts rooted in multiple institutional logics. The relevant extant literature pays more attention to resolving institutional logic conflicts while there is a need to discuss and examine how multiple institutional logics interact with each other. A representative social enterprise in Taiwan, CAN Culture Art and Nature, was selected as the case study. Qualitative research methods, including in-depth interviews with stakeholders, participant observations inside the organization as well as second-hand data examination, are undertook to collect data. The inductive approach based on the grounded theory is employed for data analysis. Our research findings show that CAN uses three strategies in response to multiple institutional logics, in order to create a cycle which embraces a variety of resources in practice. In addition, this research proposes the "symbiosis" strategy to respond conflicts among multiple institutional logics for social enterprises. The managerial implications to social enterprises and non-profit organizations are also proposed in this paper.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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