


A Study on Social Order Offenses Constituting a Violation of Obstruction of the Person and Property of Others Handling by Police Officers


陳永鎭(Chen, Yung-Chen)


警察 ; 社會秩序維護法 ; 妨害他人身體財產 ; 違序行為 ; Police Officer ; Social Order Maintenance Act ; Obstruction of the Person and Property of Others ; Behavior against Social Order




68卷6期(2022 / 12 / 01)


116 - 148






In this paper, the approaches, including literature review, content analysis method and focus group discussion are adopted for carrying out the research. This study mainly focuses on the current situations, patterns and elements in controversy regarding social order offenses that constitute a violation of obstruction of a person's body and properties handled by police officers. Thus, the dimensions, including the phenomenon, elements and procedures in relation to the above mentioned offenses are explored and analyzed. The findings are described as follows. In terms of the dimension of the phenomenon, the number of social order offenses in violation of the obstruction of a person's body and properties has increased by as high as 620.13%. Among these offenses, the numbers of inflicting violence upon others and fighting have increased by 912.39% in recent five years. In addition, in recent five years, almost no punishment records have been made in accordance with Article 88, Article 89-1, as well as Articles 91-1 through 91-4 that specify certain social order offenses in the Social Order Maintenance Act. As to the dimension of constituent elements of social order offenses, it is necessary to clarify the boundaries between behaviors such as inflicting violence upon others and fighting and the offenses such as interference with public order and causing bodily harm. It' s also essential to clarify how the behaviors that involve "sex or gender", that is, the elements constituting unauthorized temporary use of other's property and stalking another person without justifiable reasons are correlated to Sexual Harassment Prevention Act and Stalking and Harassment Prevention Act. Furthermore, the controversial viewpoints concerning the application of the Waste Disposal Act to dealing with damage (fouling) behavior should also be explored. From the dimension of procedures, the author considers that the same fact which violates against several different duties under administrative law at the same time involves the competition of administrative illegality. In accordance with Article 24-1 of the Administrative Penalty Act, the above behavior shall be punished with the highest amount of the fine prescribed by law. In this case, the principle of "protection against double jeopardy" shall apply. However, if that same fact simultaneously constitutes a criminal offense, it shall be punishable under the criminal law, where Article 38 of the Social Order Maintenance Act specifies that the criminal law overrides shall apply. Based on the findings, five suggestions falling into three dimensions containing applicable laws and principles for practices and teaching are proposed here so as to serve as references for police authorities and academic institutions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
社會科學 > 軍事學
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