


Adjusting the Judicial Review Density of Military Personnel's Execution of Unlawful Orders Based on the Ability of Order Review: Comment on the Criminal Verdict of Taishang Zi No. 4092 in the Year of 102 by the Supreme Court




服從義務 ; 義務衝突 ; 集體法益 ; 職務階級制度 ; 命令審查能力 ; Obey Duty ; Duty Conflict ; Collective Interest ; Position Class System ; Order Review Ability




69卷2期(2023 / 04 / 01)


25 - 45






The duty of obedience of military personnel is higher than civil servants. When military personnel face unlawful orders issued by superiors, they will fall into a stronger conflict of obligations whether to obey or not. Therefore, for military personnel to act according to unlawful orders, whether it is in line with Article 21, paragraph 2 of the Criminal Law. The review standard that is different from that of civil servants should be established, so that the behavior of military personnel can be evaluated properly. To accomplish this goal, this paper will:(1) construct the military position class system as a collective legal interest with universal validity serves as the basis for reconciling the conflict of legal interests. (2) recognize that the military tasks are closely integrated with the position class system, and in order to pursue military purposes, the military will weaken the rationality of personal values through its total institution structure. (3) starting from different aspects such as class and environment, discuss the basic reasons that affect the military's "order review ability". In order to overcome the blank of the special review standard for military personnel who obey unlawful orders to conduct behaviors in the past, then through the dynamic adjustment of order review capabilities, it is a reasonable regulation for military personnel to follow unlawful orders as duty behaviors. Through the explorations in this paper, it is expected that the development of "dynamic adjustment of order review ability" will provide a much clearer standard for courts to apply.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
社會科學 > 軍事學
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