


Exploring the Application of ARCS Motivation Model and Project-based Learning in General Education Course of Social Psychology and Students' Learning Motivation and Learning Outcomes




錢芷萍(Tzu-Ping Chien)


ARCS動機模式 ; 專題導向學習 ; 通識教育 ; 學習動機 ; 學習成效 ; ARCS model of motivation ; project-based learning ; general education ; learning motivation ; learning outcome




7卷1期(2023 / 06 / 30)


49 - 90




本研究旨在探討社會心理學通識課程應用ARCS(attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction)動機模式與專題導向學習所發展之教學策略,對學生學習動機及學習成效之影響。課程運用ARCS動機模式之策略包含:內容連結生活經驗、課堂活動型態多樣化、實驗專題步驟清楚具體、專題評分明確一致,及教師大量且正向回饋學生。專題導向學習策略分為八階段,實施於全學期。研究結果如下,藉由ARCS動機模式設計之教學策略,學生自陳對課程感興趣,認為知識熟悉實用且與切身相關,並有學習信心;透過專題導向學習歷程,學生亦能習得及應用知識,增進核心能力,知覺自我成長與建立信心;課程教學策略之引導,學生皆獲得滿足與成就感,顯示本課程應用之教學策略對學生學習動機及學習成效有助益。


This study aimed to explore the teaching strategies developed using the ARCS (attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction) motivation model and project-based learning in a general education course in social psychology and their influences on students' learning motivation and learning outcomes. The teaching strategies designed using the ARCS motivational model include knowledge content linking students' life experiences, various classroom activities, specific experimental steps, clear and consistent assessments, and positive encouragement from the teacher. The project-based learning strategy was divided into eight stages and implemented throughout the semester. The results were as follows. Using the teaching strategies designed by the ARCS motivation model, students self-reported that they were interested in the course. They found knowledge to be familiar, practical, and relevant, and had confidence in learning. Through the project-based learning process, they acquired and applied knowledge, and their core competencies increased. They experienced self-improvement and built confidence in themselves. Guided by the teaching strategies, they achieved both satisfaction and success. This indicates that the teaching strategies applied in the course were beneficial for the students' learning motivation and learning outcomes.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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