
Motivation, Germane Cognitive Load, and Task Performance in Foreign Language Learning






陳怡容(I-Jung Chen);謝佩蓉(Pei-Jung Hsieh)


Cognitive load theory ; Germane cognitive load ; motivation ; Bootstrapping ; 認知負荷理論 ; 有效認知負荷 ; 學習動機 ; 拔靴法




7卷4期(2011 / 12 / 31)


57 - 73




Germane cognitive load (GCL) is the load incurred when working memory resources are devoted to cognitive activities. GCL posits that GCL needs to be maximized for the best learning results. This study investigated the relationship among motivation, germane cognitive load, and task performance. The participants were 109 students majoring in English. Correlational analysis indicated a positive relationship between motivation and GCL as well as between GCL and task performance. However, motivation was not correlated with task performance. Path analysis confirmed the overall relationship of the variables under discussion. Bootstrapping was used to test the indirect effect of GCL. Results suggest that affective factors, such as learning motivation, are important in CLT.



主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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