


A Case Study of Clinical Teaching Promoted by Universities with Teacher Education Programs Collaborating with Elementary Schools




楊智穎(Jyh-Yiing Yang)


師資培育 ; 臨床教學 ; 夥伴協作 ; teacher education ; clinical teaching ; collaboration




9卷1期(2013 / 03 / 31)


1 - 24






Some universities with teacher education programs in Taiwan began to implement clinical teaching systems, but there is still lack of theories and empirical studies in this field. For the aforementioned reasons, this study aimed to establish the theory based on clinical teaching through the analysis of relevant literature. One specific university was selected for this study as the subject for research and the process, strategy, influence factors and problems of clinical teaching implementation were explored. The case study was used for primary research approach, and the data were collected via personal interview, focus group interview, and document analysis. Within an analysis and discussion of relevant theories and cases, this study comes to some conclusions and provides several suggestions for the promotion of clinical teaching in teacher education in the future, which include: 1. The design of clinical teaching should be based on the collaboration between universities and elementary schools as well as it should be beneficial for both sides; 2. The clinical teaching should include reflection and feedback in the classroom; 3. Some supportive systems should be established, 4. The clinical teaching should be combined with education of pre-service teachers; 5. The working model of the clinical teaching should be developed depending on different situations.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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