


The Influential Mechanism of Job Competence and Job Satisfaction among Preschool Teachers Providing Special Education: The Impact of Education Degree, Seniority and Professional Training




林俊瑩(Chunn-Ying Lin);林玟秀(Wen-Hsiu Lin);陳佑任(Yu-Jen Chen)


工作勝任感與工作滿意度 ; 特殊教育 ; 專業訓練 ; 學前教師 ; 學歷 ; 年資 ; education degree ; job competence and job satisfaction ; preschool teacher ; professional training ; special education ; seniority




9卷1期(2013 / 03 / 31)


117 - 142






Based on related literature, this study proposes a theoretic model to investigate the effects of education degree, seniority and professional training on job competence and job satisfaction among preschool teachers providing special education in Taiwan. From the database of Special Needs Education Longitudinal Study, SNELS, 1,351 preschool teachers who taught children with special needs in inclusive setting or in special education classroom during the academic year of 2007 were extracted as object of this study. The data were analyzed by using structural equation modeling SEM. Results indicated that preschool teachers in Taiwan did not feel a strong sense of job competence when providing education to children with special needs, but most of them had a high level of job satisfaction. In further analysis, it was found that those preschool teachers equipped with better competencies for teaching exceptional children and a positive attitude toward special education, earn a higher sense of job competence and job satisfaction. According to preschool teachers who had both the more seniority of teaching and professional training in preschool and special education, have shown higher level of professional competence in providing adaptive instructions, better class management, and more positive attitude toward special education.. However, school teachers' education degree was not significantly related to their professional competencies in education for children with special needs, sense of job competence, job competence, or job satisfaction. Based on these findings, this study also proposed some suggestions on policies regarding early childhood teacher training in special education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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