


The Concept, Measurement and Analysis of Work and Family Conflict: An Empirical Study of Elementary School Teachers in Taiwan




顏弘欽(Hung-Chin Yen)


工作與家庭衝突 ; 工作對家庭衝突 ; 家庭對工作衝突 ; family-to-work conflict ; work-family conflict ; work-to-family conflict




9卷4期(2013 / 12 / 31)


81 - 118






This research is aimed at discussing the concept of work-family conflict. Elementary school teachers in Taiwan were selected as research subjects. First, the conceptual framework of work-family conflict is established through literature review. Then, the most adequate measuring model is ascertained by way of the strategy of model competition. In addition, the perception of work-family conflict is analyzed. The research results conclude that teachers' work-family conflict includes four factors with 12 measuring questions. In terms of the factorial structure, it is a four correlated factorial model. Regarding the level of awareness, male teachers, teachers holding concurrent positions of school directors have higher level of awareness of conflict in some factors. Finally, this research offers practical suggestions for schools and suggestions for further research, which may serve as reference for future discussions of teachers' work-family conflict.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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