


The Development of a Shortened Version of IPIP Big Five Personality Scale and the Testing of Its Measurement Invariance between Middle-Aged and Older People




李仁豪(Ren-Hau Li);陳怡君(Yi-Chun Chen)


IPIP五大人格量表 ; 中老年人 ; 測量不變性 ; 簡版 ; IPIP Big Five personality scale ; middle-aged and older people ; measurement invariance ; shortened version




12卷4期(2016 / 12 / 31)


87 - 119




為了減少研究成本及增加參與者配合度,並讓諮商輔導或臨床初步晤談得以便利進行,本研究乃根據Goldberg所發展之IPIP五大人格量表五十題版本進行簡版的發展工作,提供其建構效度、效標關聯效度、聚合效度及內部一致性信度等證據,並檢定中老年在此簡版上的跨年齡層測量不變性。研究樣本係來自臺灣地區的中老年人,共進行兩次橫斷面問卷調查,第一次回收之有效樣本共455人,間隔一年後,蒐集未重複的有效樣本283人,兩樣本合計共含426位未滿60歲的中年人及312位60歲以上的老年人。簡版是利用結構方程式模型的測量模型進行分析選題,建構效度是以驗證性因素分析的模型適配度及因素負荷量來確認,而效標關聯效度是以與正負向情緒量表及與自尊量表的相關來建立,聚合效度主要是以與原IPIP五大人格量表五十題版本以及TDA五大人格問卷的相關來建立。研究結果獲得的簡版IPIP五大人格量表簡稱為IPIP-15,每一人格包含3題,共15題,具有不錯的模型適配度,因素負荷量在.61-.83,內部一致性α 信度在.67-.83,效標關聯效度及聚合效度也大多符合預期,且在中老年人之間具有跨年齡層的測量不變性。整體而言,IPIP-15具有可接受的信效度。


To reduce research cost and to increase participation, as well as to make it convenient for initial counseling guidance and clinical interview, this study developed a shortened version of Big Five personality scale on basis of Goldberg’s IPIP-50. The study presents among all its construct validity, criterion-related validity, convergent validity, internal consistent reliability, and also checks its across age-level measurement invariance for middle-aged and older people. There are two sample data surveyed from middle-aged and older people in Taiwan. The first survey had a valid sample with 455 participants, and one year later, a second survey was conducted and 283 non-duplication participants were obtained. The two samples included 426 below 60 year-old middle-aged people and 312 over 60 year-old people, respectively. The items of the shortened version were analyzed and chosen by measurement model of structural equation modeling. Its construct validity was checked by confirmatory factor analysis with model-fit indices and factor loadings. Its criterion-related validity was established by correlations with the affect balance scale and the self-esteem scale. Its convergent validity was obtained by correlations with IPIP- 50 and with another Big Five personality scale, TDA-40. The results show that a 15- item shortened version of Big Five personality, named IPIP-15, was developed, and its each personality included 3 items. The IPIP-15 has good model-fits with factor loadings ranging from .61 to .83. Its internal consistent reliability coefficients α ranged from .67 to .83, and its criterion-related validity and convergent validity are also as expected. Besides, IPIP-15 has an across age-level measurement invariance between middle-aged and older people. In general, IPIP-15 has acceptable reliability and validity.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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