


Cognition of Visual Imagery and Art Education Implication about Metaphoric Images




李佳蓉(Chia-Rong Lee);李俊儀(Chun-Yi Lee)


隱喻影像 ; 視覺意象認知 ; 認知趨向 ; metaphoric images ; cognition of visual imagery ; cognitive trend




15卷2期(2019 / 06 / 30)


89 - 121






Nowadays, many images use metaphoric skills. In addition to aesthetic and interest, they can also arouse viewers deeper and abstract thinking. Did viewers associate the look of images with cognition of visual imagery, which then caused metaphoric concept? What kind of image association came to their mind after seeing the images? What are the influence factors? These are the main research foci of this study. In the study, the survey of cognition of visual imagery for senior high school by the quantitative methods was employed. The results revealed the experts’ criteria for selection of metaphorical images, and nine metaphoric images were categorized into three main styles by the teenagers, including natural style, harmonic-humanism style, and figurative-contrast style; Upon seeing a metaphorical image, the teenager was likely to be affected by the image factors hidden in their minds, such as "form design"," feel of creativity" and "style presentation", and then made up their minds about their cognitive preference over visual imagery. Results of study indicate that students were influenced by the three visual imagery factors and did not only produce simple preferences for cognition of visual imagery. Therefore, it is suggested that teachers should be able to focus on the different feelings of students' imagery perceptions of metaphorical images by choosing teaching media. On the other hand, the teachers will be able to practice appreciation strategy of form, creativity and style presentation in teaching and emphasize the emotional by metaphorical images. Finally, to respect the individual differences in aesthetic perception, it will enable high school students to establish aesthetic acuity and cultivate symbolic thinking ability.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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