
教學領導、分布式領導和學校氣氛對教師工作滿意的直接和調節作用:基於TALIS 2018臺灣國民中學資料之多層次分析


Direct and Moderating Effects of Instructional Leadership, Distributed Leadership, and School Climate on Teacher Job Satisfaction: A Multilevel Analysis of TALIS 2018 Data on Junior High Schools in Taiwan




吳勁甫(Jin-Fu Wu)


2018教學與學習國際調查 ; 教學領導 ; 分布式領導 ; 教師工作滿意 ; 學校氣氛 ; TALIS 2018 ; instructional leadership ; distributed leadership ; teacher job satisfaction ; school climate




19卷1期(2023 / 03 / 31)


31 - 70




「教學與學習國際調查」(Teaching and Learning International Survey, TALIS)為針對學校學習環境和教師工作情況之國際調查,臺灣係首度參與TALIS 2018之調查。迄今,國內在此方面的實徵研究仍相當有限,缺乏校長和教師知覺學校領導的不同觀點,以及多層次理論模式之檢證等研究成果。本研究即應用TALIS 2018臺灣國民中學資料,以多層次分析的架構,分析學校領導和學校氣氛對教師工作滿意之直接影響。此外,更採取多層次調節效果模式,檢測學校領導對教師工作滿意的影響受到學校氣氛之調節作用情形。資料經多層次結構方程模式分析後,所獲致之主要結論為:(一)校長知覺之教學領導和分布式領導對教師工作滿意不具直接影響力;(二)教師知覺之分布式領導對教師工作滿意之部分面向具有正向的直接影響力;(三)部分學校氣氛面向對教師工作滿意之部分面向具有正向或負向的直接影響力;(四)校長知覺之教學領導和分布式領導對教師工作滿意之直接影響力,此不受學校氣氛所調節;(五)教師知覺之分布式領導對教師工作滿意之直接影響力,此受部分學校氣氛面向(「學術強調」)所調節。最後,對於學校領導之實務意涵和未來研究提出相關建議。


The Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) is an international survey of school leaders and teachers about their working conditions and learning environments, and TALIS 2018 was the first in which Taiwan participated. The quantity of TALIS-related empirical data pertaining to Taiwan remains limited. In addition, few studies have explored the perspectives of principals and teachers on school leadership through multilevel model testing. This study used the Taiwan-related data from TALIS 2018 to analyze the multilevel direct effects of school leadership and school climate on teacher job satisfaction. A multilevel moderation model was used to determine whether school climate moderated the effects of school leadership on teacher job satisfaction. After the data were analyzed through multilevel structural equation modeling, several conclusions were drawn. (1) The perceived instructional leadership and distributed leadership of principals did not directly influence teacher job satisfaction. (2) The perceived distributed leadership of teachers positively and directly influenced several dimensions of teacher job satisfaction. (3) Several school climate dimensions had direct positive or negative effects on several dimensions of teacher job satisfaction. (4) The direct effects of the perceived instructional leadership and distributed leadership of principals on teacher job satisfaction were not moderated by school climate. (5) The direct effects of the perceived distributed leadership of teachers on teacher job satisfaction were partially moderated by school climate (academic pressure). This study also provides suggestions and the practical implications of the results for school leadership and future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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