It seems that teachers are reluctant to change their teaching practices when major educational reforms are introduced, hindering the efforts of education policymakers to bring about changes. This study analyzed the professional discussions of teachers during course-preparation meetings to understand how they responded to proposed reforms and to identify the challenges affecting the implementation of these reforms. Specifically, this study examined the discussions conducted across 26 course-preparation meetings for compulsory school-developed courses, which are a new type of course mandated by Taiwan's 2019 curriculum reform. Drawing from the concept of ideological dilemmas (i.e., lived ideology vs. intellectual ideology), this study conducted discourse analysis and identified three dilemmas (i.e., progress tracking vs. progress making, didactic teaching vs. facilitative teaching, and contingency-based grading vs. rubric-based evaluation). These dilemmas highlight the mental inertia experienced by teachers when they switch from a teacher-centered system to a learner-centered system. This paper provides suggestions to schoolteachers and administrators on how to design, instruct, and conduct assessments for compulsory school-developed courses while navigating such ideological dilemmas.
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