


A Probe into the Application of Self-determination in Special Education




吳維民(Wei-Min Wu)


自我決策 ; 特教教學與評量 ; 自我決策教學模式 ; self-determination ; assessment and teaching in special education ; self-determination learning model of instruction




72期(2021 / 12 / 01)


67 - 85




本研究的主要目的為了解自我決策在特教領域的發展及未來研究的建議,本研究方法採用內容分析法中之普遍化分析,研究目的包含自我決策的緣起與發展、自我決策的法源基礎及演進、自我決策在特殊教育現場的實踐(包含教學與評量)。本研究結果顯示(1)自我決策概念從最初John Locke的哲學思想逐步彰顯於心理學的概念,再由心理學循序漸進地形成實務的教學理論,並實際應用於特教領域中以課程目標為導向之教學;(2)法源依據由最初保障身心障礙者的復健法延伸至保障學生權益的特殊教育法,並列入身心障礙者特殊需求領綱之中,說明此自我決策之能力對身障生是十分重要且受到法律的保障;(3)在特教領域教學上「自我決策教學模式」(Self-Determination Learning Model of Instruction, SDLMI)為發展多年且具實證本位及系統化的教學模式;依據上述研究結果,對未來研究之建議為(一)針對自我決策概念之研究,在廣度上可以擴展於包含資優與身心障礙等各類別特殊教育學生之教學,在深度上可以朝向連結資優學生之個別化輔導計畫及身心障礙學生之個別化教育計畫進行。(二)在法源基礎上,可以探討如何將特殊需求領綱和自我決策相關的領域當中之學習目標和表現付諸實際的課程當中。(三)在教學模式上,可嘗試不同的課程設計及教學介入用以提升學生的學習成效。


The main purpose of this research is to understand the development of self-determination in special education and suggestions for future research. The research method adopts the universal analysis in the content analysis method. The research purpose includes the origin and development of self-determination, the fundamentals of lawin self-determination, and the implementation of self-determination in special education (including teaching and assessment). The results of the research show (1) The concept of self-determination has gradually manifested itself in the concept of psychology from the initial philosophical thought of John Locke, and then gradually formed a practical teaching theory from psychology, and was actually applied in special education with curriculum teaching goals as the guide; (2) The source of the law extends from the rehabilitation law protecting disability to the special education law protecting the rights and interests of students, and it is presently developed intosyllabus of special needs for disability students, not only indicating that the ability of self-determination is important to the disability student, but alsobe protected by law; (3) The "Self-Determination Learning Model of Instruction" (SDLMI) in special education is an evidence-based and systematic teaching model that has been developed for many years;The recommendations for future research based on the results of the research are:(1) Research on the concept of self -determination can be extended to include students with gifted and students with disabilities in various types of special education teaching, and can be directed towards linking giftedness in depth The individual guidance plan for students and the individualized education project for students with disabilities are carried out. (2) On the basis of the source of law, it is possible to explore how to put the learning goals and performances in the fields related to special needs and self-determination intoimplementation of courses. (3) In the teaching mode, different curriculum designs and teaching interventions can be tried to enhance students' learning effectiveness.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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