This study explores the phenomena, processes, and meanings of melancholy that women encounter while being mothers. In the contemporary era, where psychological symptoms are gradually being emphasized, women have also been able to emerge from the depths of their souls. However, since the relationship with the Mother is the origin of all other relationships, the mother's melancholy should be independently addressed for further research. The reasons for mothers' melancholy are complex, although there are diagnoses and therapies based on research theories and medical science, the possibilities and chances of self-healing cannot be abandoned. Therefore, the melancholic space-time context will be expanded upon the profound images of the mother and daughters in the classic film Autumn Sonata , directed by Ingmar Bergman. From the perspectives of psychoanalysis and sociocultural criticism, it examines the layers of mothers' melancholy and extends to the dilemmas and obstacles encountered by mothers in the real environment. As Julia Kristeva compared melancholy to the black sun still radiating from the eclipse, mothers' melancholy that is difficult to express will not only be revealed but could also be transformed by returning to the essence. When openness and advocacy are flooded, mothers continue to feel weak and lonely. Fortunately, mothers are always in the state of becoming and have incomparable creativity. Moreover, their bodies always appear in the melancholic moment to warn about the value of life with real feelings and actions. This study invokes the maternal passion and corporeality discourses to expect mothers to care for themselves as they are and renew their subjectivity constantly. While suffering from melancholy, the energy of maternal sublimation can finally be slowly accumulated through the interweaving practices and awareness.
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