


Passenger Perception and Expectation on Service Quality of Taiwan-Hong Kong Airlines






航空飛航服務品質 ; 服務缺口 ; 市場區隔 ; 多變量分析 ; Airlines Service Quality ; Service Gap ; Market Segment ; Multivariate Analysis












自從政府開放一般民眾赴大陸探親以來,隨著探親、旅遊人數的激增,及近年來興起的大陸投資熱潮,但礙於兩岸無法直航,國人大都以香港為首站、過境站。根據交通部觀光局統計資料顯示,國人自台赴港旅客由1986年12.1萬人次,增加至2004年的256萬人次,近七年來平均都有217萬人次,約佔一年內所有出國旅客的三成,台港航線因此身價暴漲,成為名符其實的「黃金航線」。因此各航空公司唯有提供良好的服務品質,以顧客為導向來提升顧客滿意度,才是有效的競爭利器。 本研究藉由了解乘客對國籍(華航)及國外航空(國泰)服務的實際感受與期望來建立服務品質的因素構面與市場區隔,進而使國籍航空業者提升服務品質並建立國際化的競爭優勢。研究中,並採用多變量統計分析進行一系列的探討,包括T檢定、因素分析、集群分析、單因子多變量變異數分析、卡方分析以與重視度與滿意度服務管理矩陣等分析方法。 研究結果發現,兩家航空公司的乘客轉往中國大陸皆高達一半左右。而在乘客對服務品質的實際感受度上幾乎均以國泰航空較優;在服務缺口的表現上則以中華航空的缺口較小,此顯示兩家乘客在結構上之差異,其中華航乘客對於服務要素之感受滿意度與期望重視度均給予較嚴格的評分。研究中並進一步針對華航乘客做深入剖析,將27項服務品質要素用因素主軸法再行縮減,期能以較少而明確的構面顯示出航空公司在乘客心目中的服務品質定位,分析結果形成餐點服務、空服員專業度、地勤服務、機上設施、公關形象等五個構面;接著,使受訪者依這五個因素構面之異質性,用集群分析將乘客分成數個群內同質、群間異質之群別,包括重視專業服務導向群、講求機上設施群、重視地勤服務群、重視全面服務群等四群。同時進行社經變數與市場區隔的交叉檢定,研究結果發現台港航線乘客以年齡、職業與過去一年來的搭乘次數對各個區隔族群呈現顯著的差異。 最後,本研究針對服務缺口、重視度與滿意度分析與市場區隔等分析結果,研擬適當的改善策略,提供給國籍業者做為精進服務品質之重要參考。


As a result of the indirect air link between Taiwan and China, Taiwanese generally make use of Hong Kong as the first arrival or transit station since the government removed the entry restriction to mainland China. According to the statistics from the Tourism Bureau, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Republic of china, yearly passengers from Taiwan to Hong Kong were 2.17 millions which occupied thirty percent of totally outbound tourists in the past seven years. Taiwan-Hong Kong air route therefore is worth calling “Golden Route” in airlines’ perspective. Therefore, the domestic airlines facing such intense competition ought to provide passengers with better service quality based on customers’ satisfaction. This study aims to realize passengers’ perceptions and expectations toward domestic China Airlines and foreign Cathay Pacific Airways through passenger survey in departure terminal at CKS international airport. With the results of survey, the study develops factorial dimensions of service quality and market segment of domestic air passengers in order to improve service quality of domestic airlines and to set up competitive advantages of internationalization. This study applied multivariate statistical analysis to evaluate a series of assessment, including T-test, Factor Analysis, Cluster Analysis, One-Way MANOVA, Chi-Square Analysis, and Importance Performance Analysis(IPA). The empirical study found that approximate half of all surveyed passengers take this route to transfer to mainland China. It is also shown that, Cathay Pacific Airways’ passengers had higher perceptions of service variables than that of China Airlines’. However, the Cathay Pacific Airways’ passengers are comparatively inferior to China Airlines’ with regard to service gap. Through the factor analysis, this study extracts five factorial components from original service variables, which are the quality of meals, the professionalism of cabin crew, the airport service, the in-flight facilities, and the image of public relation. According to the former components, the study adopts cluster analysis to divide all passengers into four market segments, which emphasize the service of professionalism cluster, in-flight facilities of airplane cluster, the airport service cluster, and all aspects of service clusters. It is shown that there are significant difference among these segments in terms of frequent flyer, ages and occupations. Finally, this study propose appropriate strategies for the China Airlines based on research results of service gap assessment, IPA, market segment.

主题分类 工學院 > 土木工程學系
工程學 > 土木與建築工程
  1. 魯德偉(2017)。影響選擇搭乘廉價航空關鍵因素之多準則決策。中原大學企業管理學系學位論文。2017。1-70。