


HEALTHCARE MARKETING: Case Study of Buddhist Xindian Tzu Chi Hospital






行銷 ; 醫療行銷 ; 醫院行政 ; 醫院管理 ; marketing ; healthcare marking ; hospital administration ; hospital management












因為醫療市場的日益競爭、全民健保的實施、消費者知的需求增加與大眾傳播媒體的開放等因素,使得醫療行銷日益受到重視的。本研究是以一家新成立的醫院為研究對象,使用個案方法來探討下面幾個問題:(一)醫療行銷該不該做?特別是宗教醫院?(二)除了銷售活動之外,還有哪些活動是屬於行銷?(三)醫療行銷有哪些特性?(四)行銷是否也能夠有效地幫助醫療機構運作得更好?(五)醫療行銷可能實現顧客的利益嗎?(六)在產業特性以及環境規範的限制之下,要如何執行這樣的行銷計畫呢?(七)醫療行銷成功的原因為何? 本研究選擇此醫院做為個案探討的理由有三:(一)新店慈濟醫院業績成長快速、超越同儕,足以作為參仿與學習的對象。(二)過去的醫療行銷研究多為橫斷面式的報告,而較少縱切面式的追蹤報告與分析。(三)宗教醫院的行銷更少被探討。為了深入了解個案之背景與事件之過程,本研究搜集了以下各項實證資料來做醫療行銷之個案探討:文件、檔案紀錄、訪談、直接觀察、參與觀察、實物等來印證行銷理論。 新店慈濟醫院於2005年5月8日開幕,開幕首日門診即超過1500人次,而一年後的單日門診人次超過4000人次。此規模超越同地區的耕莘醫院,已和醫學中心等級規模的新光醫院、國泰醫院相仿。新店慈濟醫院的行銷可以依時間順序而分(啟業前後),依行銷對象而分(外部或內部顧客),依行銷媒介而分(電視、報紙等),依主辦單位而分。而『志為人醫、守護愛』的開播,大大地為台北慈濟醫院打開知名度,使得各項服務量急速增加,而在95年3月達到高峰。貫穿所有行銷活動的精神---以人為本、尊重生命的醫療,亦即證嚴上人所提倡的『人醫』的精神,正是社會公益行銷的觀念的具體實現。 綜合文獻探討與個案研究得到以下的結論:(一)醫療行銷的必要性:在全民健保總額限制下的各醫療院所都需要做醫療行銷,這個急迫性在新設立之醫院及虧損中的醫院更是必要!宗教醫院肩負眾多信徒之委任,也需要相當之經濟規模才能提供優質醫療服務、參與國際救災,所以也需要努力做醫療行銷。 (二)醫療行銷活動的內容:除了直接的宣傳或銷售活動之外,醫療行銷必須重視人的問題-提供服務的人與被服務的人。全員、全方位行銷之下,才能達到行銷之目的。(三)醫療行銷之特性:在倫理與法律之規範下,必須以醫療品質為後盾,以病人福祉為前提下來規劃與執行醫療行銷。醫療是由人所提供服務商品,因此會有結果的不確定性與異質性。消費者的信任感是行銷的重要課題。(四)行銷活動可以促進全面醫療品質的提升:各項醫療行銷活動促使各項「功能性服務」受到重視,因而檢討改進。(五)醫療行銷可以實現病患的利益:好的醫療品質要讓社會大眾知曉,以提高就醫的可及性。醫療是一項不可預測性的服務產品,如何讓需要的人得到適切的服務,一直是醫師與病患的共同心願。(六)行銷活動的執行與檢討:(1)外部行銷不是只有仰賴公傳室,而是全方位的推廣。(2)內部行銷的目的在於,培養員工具「顧客至上」的服務意識、具有足夠的資訊來執行工作,吸引並留住優秀員工,新店慈濟醫院在這方面的用心最大,特別是新店慈濟醫院一直希望能塑造出家的感覺、愛的文化。(3)互動行銷是透過員工與顧客(病患)的互動,因而產生信任感。慈濟醫院的孕媽咪教室計畫周延,環境溫馨,團隊專業的形象不經意的流洩出來,難怪成為北縣南區生產數第一的醫院。(七)新店慈濟醫院醫療行銷成功的原因為:(1)慈濟精神貫穿所有行銷活動、(2)確實把握行銷的目的、(3)克服醫病關係間的不信任感、(4)善用各種行銷媒介。


Healthcare marketing is more and more important in Taiwan because of the high competition in the healthcare market, implementation of the National Health Insurance covering all Taiwanese, increasing demand of knowledge on health information and the publicity of public media. Using the case study method on a newly established hospital, we explore the following topics: (1)Is marketing necessary in a hospital, particularly a religious one? (2)Other than promotion, what activities can be regarded as marketing events? (3)What are the characteristics of healthcare marketing? (4)Can marketing improve the management of a hospital? (5)Can healthcare marketing fulfill the customer’s benefits? (6)Under the current situation and the regulation of government, how to conduct a healthcare marketing. (7)What are the key successful factors of a healthcare marketing? The reasons to choose the Buddhist Xindian Tzu Chi Hospital (BXTCH) as the case study are as the followings. (1)It is a good learning subject because it expands rapidly and surpass local competitor. (2)Previous studies on healthcare marketing were usually cross sectional, there were few studies on longitudinal observation. (3)Even less study on religious hospital. We have collected the following data and information to deeply investigate all the process of marketing: published articles, internal documents, interview, direct observation, participating observation and real objects. The Buddhist Xindian Tzu Chi Hospital opened on May 8, 2005. On the opening day, there were more than 1500 patient visits. One year later, the number of outpatient visit in one day was more than 4000. This figure is better than that of competitive local hospital (Keng Xin Hospital) in the same area, and is about the same size of two medical centers in the Taipei City (Xin Kong Hospital and Cathy Hospital). Marketing of the BXTCH can be observed by the following sectors: by the time sequence (before and after the grand opening of the hospital), by the customers (internal or external), by the media (TV or newspaper), or by the responsible departments (public relationship department or superintendent’s office). The TV program: “Be a humane doctor, Protect love” was on air in Dec. 2005. This show made the BXTCH even more famous in all over Taiwan, and resulted in another surge of growth rate. The real spirit behind all the marketing events is “People first, Respect life” medicine, i.e. “Be a humane doctor” as proposed by Master Tzeng Yen. The TV show is also the realization of social marketing in the healthcare industry. Based on the literature review and the results of the case study, the conclusions are as the followings. (1) The necessity of healthcare marketing: Under the pressure of global budget of the National Health Insurance Bureau, all the new and established hospitals have to do healthcare marketing. It is even urgent in the new Hospitals and established ones with decreasing both revenue and profit. Economic scale of a religious hospital is important too, because it needs resources and experiences to support merit activities and even overseas rescue mission. (2) Healthcare marketing activities are more than promotion. People are the number one issue in the healthcare marketing, including persons providing service and persons to be served. To achieve the marketing goal, all persons and all directions of marketing should be conducted. (3) Characteristics of healthcare marketing are: following the medical ethic principle and law regulation, medical quality first, and patient benefits first. Healthcare is provided by human beings. The service results are uncertain and heterogeneous. As such, ‘trust’ is one of the important issues in marketing. (4) Healthcare marketing may improve overall medical quality. Functional service has gained attention in the healthcare marketing events. (5) Healthcare marketing did fulfill patients’ benefits. Message of good medical quality should be delivered to all the patients who need it. So that good medical service can be accessed. (6) Implementation and review of the healthcare marketing showed the following results. i. External marketing should not only rely on the public relationship office, all personnel are to be involved. ii. The purpose of internal marketing is to cultivate the concept of ‘client first’ and to provide adequate information to make good job, and to keep good employee in the hospital. BXTCH has done great effort to make everyone have the feeling of “Being in a family”. iii. Interactional marketing is to build “trust”by the interaction between employee and customers. BXTCH has made a wonderful job on “Classroom for pregnant women” and resulted in number one new births of all hospital in the Taipei Hsien. (7) The key successful factors of the BXTCH marketing are as below. i. ‘Tzu Chi spirit’is the guide of all the marketing events. ii. Accomplished the purpose of marketing. iii. Overcome mistrust between doctors and patients. iv. Mastering all kinds of marketing media.

主题分类 管理學院 > 商學研究所
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
  1. 鄭之勛(2017)。以服務行銷觀點探討公立醫院的醫療服務品質管理。國立臺灣大學碩士在職專班國際企業管理組學位論文。2017。1-105。