


How to cheer up the institutional elderly? Effects of intervention based on mental health promotion activities and indoor golf games




心理健康 ; 室內高爾夫球 ; 機構老人 ; mental health ; indoor golf games ; institutional elderly












研究目的:發展一套發展合宜之機構老人心理健康促進介入方案,透過心理健康活動和室內高爾夫的活動帶領,提升機構老人的幸福和降低機構老人的憂鬱情緒,並透過智能手錶測量生理數據。 研究方法:以立意取樣選取台灣四家機構之老人為研究對象,由機構提供符合收案條件之老人名單,由研究者隨機分為兩實驗組(47人;38人)及一對照組(33人),共118位老人,最後完成介入活動及問卷調查(包含前測、後測與後後測)共有93人。兩實驗組均進行七堂課程,包括五堂老人心理健康促進5L課程(每堂課60分鐘)與兩堂老人室內高爾夫課程(每堂課90分鐘),但實施順序不同,即實驗A組為機構長者接受先進行「老人室內高爾夫」再進行「老人心理健康促進5L課程」;實驗B組為機構長者接受先進行「老人心理健康促進5L課程」再進行「老人室內高爾夫」;對照組在此期間不接受任何實驗活動,僅進行該機構例行活動,基於研究倫理考量,於後後測問卷調查結束後,對照組的老人也進行「老人心理健康促進5L課程」及「老人室內高爾夫」課程。測量工具為結構式問卷,內容包括「中國人幸福感量表(極短版),4 題」、「簡易老人憂鬱量表 (GDS short-form) ,15題」及其他基本資料,由標準化訓練後之訪員對機構老人進行一對一面訪;於施行室內高爾夫運動時,讓每位參與之長者配戴智能型手錶,量測其心跳速率及血壓等數據紀錄。本研究使用變異數分析及廣義估計方程式(GEE)進行分析。 結果:本研究介入活動對兩實驗組老人之「幸福感」提升具立即與延宕效果;對「憂鬱情緒」降低僅有立即效果。此外,我們發現「室內高爾夫」在進行20分鐘後,心跳變異率顯著提升。 結論:心理健康活動結合室內高爾夫的介入對於機構老人為有效且可行,未來希望能推廣至更多機構,並同時強調生理及心理健康促進的重要性。


Objectives: Design a mental health activities and indoor golf game promotion intervention programs and involvement in this program explore the possibility of upgrading the happiness of institutions for the elderly and the elderly reduce depression mood. Methods: A total of 118 older adults (aged 65 years and over) living in four well-organized long-term care centers in Taiwan were included in the intervention and control groups. A pretest, post-test, and post-posttest design was used in the longitudinal study. In addition to a measure of the subjective well-being (mini-version), GDS (short form) among institutional elderly people, heartbeat and blood pressure variation were recorded using smart watches. Results: After the mental health promotion activities and indoor golf games, the depressive mood was significantly reversed and the happiness was noted in the intervention than the control group. Furthermore, all the individuals had sustained effects after one month. In addition, we found that the "indoor golf games for the elderly" improved variations in heart rates after 20 minutes showing that intervention program could improve the well-being of the elderly. Conclusions: Intervention program could be an effective and executable model for institutional-dwelling older adults. We hope to promote its use in other long-term care agencies and to stress the importance of mental health promotion in the institutional-dwelling elderly adults.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
健康管理學院 > 公共衛生學系碩士班
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