
金融科技(Fin Tech)服務創新模式建構與驗證之研究-服務設計觀點


The construction and confirmation of Fin Tech service innovation model- service design perspective




金融科技(Fin Tech) ; 服務創新 ; 支付 ; 投資 ; 存貸 ; 市場資訊分析 ; Fin Tech ; service innovation ; payment ; investment ; loan deposit ; market information analysis












隨者網路、電子化普及,傳統金融業面對全球金融科技(Fin Tech)發展與服務創新的挑戰與衝擊,必須發展出服務創新模式來加以因應,由於過去金融科技(Fin Tech)之研究,大多著重於聚焦於支付,未能整合以多個領域進行探討,為了建構整合性Fintech之服務創新模式,本研究採用服務設計的觀點,強調以使用者為基礎據以發展新服務,有關服務設計的運用乃是基於服務創新的四個階段(創新元素探索、需求分析、創新模式塑模、創新模式驗證)為基礎,據以有效發展並驗證服務創新模式。研究方法整合質化與量化研究,包括:文獻探討、標竿個案分析、深度訪談法、內容分析法、靜態模型分析、層級分析法及三角測量、多變量分析與IPA分析等。重要的研究發現為: 一、 模式探索階段:從文獻整理與次級資料收集研究的過程中,了解Fin Tech趨勢及發展內涵,以利形成本研究金融科技(Fin Tech)關鍵組成要素之雛型與理論基礎,此外參酌服務創新之重要理論以及服務科學操作手法,運用「探索→需求分析→塑模→驗證」的歷程,形成建置金融科技(Fin Tech)分析構面之基礎以及研究流程觀點。 二、 模式建構階段:模式建構階段以三個研究來進行,研究一的作法是:以安侯建業出版Fin Tech100做為標竿個案並進行分析,透過內容分析法進行編碼最後進行靜態模型分析,結果形成靜態模型之ㄧ;研究二的作法是:訪談國內金融業高階主管,探討在Fin Tech趨勢下,金融業為求生存該發展哪些服務創新模式來因應,透過深度訪談、內容分析內容並進行編碼,作形成靜態模型之二。整合靜態模型之ㄧ與靜態模型之二,發展成研究三的分析架構,並建立Fin Tech創新服務模式,建立「金融科技(Fin Tech)服務創新模式衡量模式之層級結構」並進行AHP分析,進而解釋各項結果,最後則歸納出研究結論與命題發展。 三、 模式驗證階段:最後階段則以研究四進行Fin Tech創新服務模式的驗證,主要運用的方法為多變量分析以及重要性與績效分析法(IPA)。


With the booming development of Internet and E-commerce, conventional financial industry has to bring up service innovation to deal with the challenge and impact of Fin Tech. In the previous research of Fin Tech, most of them focused on issue of payment, rather than integrating more aspects. To establish an integrating service innovation model for Fin Tech, this research laid stress on developing new service based on user with viewpoint of service design. The application of service design is based on four stages of service innovation (exploration of innovative element, demand analysis, innovation modeling, proof of innovation) to further effectively develop and verify service innovation model. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are adopted, including literature review, benchmark case study, in-depth interview, content analysis, static model analysis, AHP, triangulation, multivariate analysis and IPA. Following results are gained in this research: 1. Exploration stage: From literature review and gathering of secondary data, the key element and fundamentals of Fin Tech was formed through realization of trend and developing paths. Besides, through referring to significant theories of service innovation and service science, this research formed the analytic dimension of Fin Tech and research process through path of “exploration – demand analysis – modeling – verification.” 2. Modeling: the modeling stage of this essay was divided into three researches: For research one, taking Fin Tech100 published by KPMG as benchmark cases to study, to form a static model through coding with content analysis, for research 2, through in-depth interviewing with executives from domestic financial industry for the service innovation trends under Fin Tech, to form another static model through coding. With integration of both models, this research brings up the analytic structure of research 3, to form the AHP for “service innovation model measurement of Fin Tech” to further concluded as results and propositions through explanation of data. 3. Model Verification: In the last part of this research, research four is proposed to verify the innovation service model of Fin Tech with multivariate analysis and IPA.

主题分类 管理學院 > 經營管理研究所
社會科學 > 管理學
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