


Servitization :Scale Development and its Influence on Performance






製造業服務化 ; 製造業服務化能力量表 ; 績效 ; 矩陣分析 ; 服務矛盾 ; servitization of manufacturing ; scale for the servitization of manufacturing ; performance ; matrix analysis ; service paradox












在知識爆炸的21世紀,電子通訊的蓬勃發展縮短了世界各國的距離,大量生產的結果,使得產業結構因而快速變遷,各種創新服務大量興起之餘,衝擊了原有以生產為導向的經濟體制,製造業為能保有競爭力,必須在舊有的營運模式內引進服務業的元素,製造業服務化已成為一個趨勢,也成為瓦特發明蒸汽機後的第二次工業革命。 台灣地狹人稠,對外貿易成為台灣主要外匯來源,又因台灣缺乏各類礦產,製造業在台灣經濟發展歷程內,扮演很重要的角色。在全球化競爭的時代,製造業轉型服務化為當前台灣製造業急於涉入的一個新興領域,為目前台灣對於本土製造業服務化的相關研究仍付之闕如,本研究主要以探索性分析來在發展製造業服務化能力的衡量量表,本研究在發展量表階段,運用了文獻探討、訪談法、內容分析法、三角測量法等方法。在建構衡量模式階段,量表之信度考驗採用、Item-Total Correlation係數、Cronbach's 係數,來檢定量表內部一致性程度及其穩定性。在建構效度方面則以(CFA ; Confirmatory Factor Analysis)作驗證性因素分析,採區別效度驗證產出的六個衡量構面與其31個子構面的模式適配度與收斂效度。藉由驗證量表的效度與信度,對本研究中的14家代表性製造業導入服務化的績效作實證研究外,更可作為國內製造業評量服務化程度的有效工具,期望研究結果可作為後續研究者對製造業服務化的參考與建立相關量表之基礎。此外,本研究還進行製造服務化與績效關聯性之實證,研究結果顯示:對組織績效財務構面而言,逐步迴歸共選取三個顯著之預測變項,其製造服務化的「客製化能力」、「新的內部管控」與「新的交易規範」三個因素對於財務績效有較強的解釋力;而製造服務化的「新的企業組織」、「新的內部管控」與「客製化能力」三個因素對於非財務績效有較強的解釋力。


In the era of information boom of the twenty-first century, electronic communication has shortened the distance of the world. Mass production has brought abrupt changes to the industrial framework. The increase of various innovative services has a great impact on the original manufacturing-oriented economic system. In order to keep its competitiveness in the market, the manufacturing industry has to introduce elements of the service industry into their old-fashioned operation method. Servitization has not only become a trend, but a second Industrial Revolution after Watt had invented the steam machine. Taiwan has a small territory with a large population. Trading has become the main source of foreign exchange earnings. Moreover, due to the lack of mineral resources, the manufacturing industry has played a significant role for the economic growth in Taiwan. In a globally competitive era, it is urgent for the manufacturing industry to transform towards the emerging realm of servitization. However, related research about servitization of local manufacturing industry in Taiwan is currently insufficient. This research paper mainly uses exploratory analysis to create a measurement scale for the servitization ability of the manufacturing industry. Research methods used in scale development include literature review, interviews, content analysis, and triangulation. During the development phase, Validation, Item-Total Correlation Coefficient, and Cronbach’s Coefficient have been employed to test the internal consistency and the stability of the scale. With regard to construct validity, Confirmatory Factory Analysis (CFA) has been employed. Employment of discriminant validity creates the model fitting and the convergent validity of six measurement dimensions and thirty-one sub-dimensions. After testing the validity and reliability of the scale, the result of introducing servitization to fourteen representative manufacturers in this research paper not only helps with empirical research, but becomes an effective tool for the servitization of the Taiwanese manufacturing industry. I hope that this research can be a reference for later researchers and become the basis for the development of related scales. Moreover, this research has also discovered a correlation between servitization of the manufacturing industry and its performance, which result shows: With regards to the financial perspective of organizational performance, there is stepwise regression towards three obvious predictors, which are the Customization Capability, New Internal Control,and New Trade Regulation of the serivitization of the manufacturing industry; such three factors have a stronger interpretability for financial performance. On the other hand, New Business Organization, New Internal Control, and Customization Capability of the serivitization of the manufacturing industry are the three factors that have stronger interpretability for non-financial performance.

主题分类 管理學院 > 高階管理碩士在職專班(EMBA)
社會科學 > 管理學
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