


A Study of Tsing Hua STEAM Education on Students’ Learning Outcomes in Remote Areas




資訊素養 ; 偏鄉地區 ; STEAM教育 ; 跨領域學科 ; information literacy ; remote areas ; STEAM education ; interdisciplinary












在面臨科技迅速發展的時代,各國政府莫不積極擘劃資訊教育相關政策,以因應未來革命性變革的生活型態。教育部108學年度開始實施新的課綱,調整國民教育階段的資訊科技課程,培養學生科技素養,透過運用科技與資訊系統的知識技能,涵育出創造思考、運算思維邏輯與解決問題等能力。 而清華大學洞見產業轉型之勢不可擋,故為了培育其人才,自107學年度開始,聯合縣市政府,藉由結合跨領域的學科知識,推動清華STEAM教育,以達成跨域人才在地培育與在地就業發展,此項計畫適與新課綱的目標不謀而合。另者,鑑於偏鄉教育資源的困境,有關偏鄉資訊教育的成效為何,頗值得深入探究。 基此,本研究乃使用清華STEAM教育的教學步驟,運用於偏鄉國中的資訊教育課程,研究方法除於自然情境下,持續觀察偏鄉學生學習成效,研究學業成就與實施問卷測驗,於授課前後實施,並隨時記錄研究者的省思,為採用量化與質化的行動研究,以瞭解偏鄉學生的資訊能力、學習心態等學習成效的變化。 經由研究結果,發現偏鄉學生學習清華STEAM教育對於學生的資訊認知,具有正面的影響;在運用資訊能力方面,部分學生在學習操作時感到困難,但仍對課程抱有期待,願意與同學合作,一同學習;學生在面對挑戰性的難題時,能理解到團隊合作共同完成的重要性,並肯定之。綜上推論,偏鄉學生參與此清華STEAM教育,確有提升其學習的成效。


With the rapid advance of science and technology, government proactively formulates policies on information technology (IT) education to address future revolutionary changes in lifestyle. Our Ministry of Education implements a new curriculum for 12-year Basic Education from the academic year 108. This revises information technology courses in compulsory education and enables students to cultivate their technology competencies. With IT knowledge and capability, it is easier to foster creative, logical and computational thinking as well as problem-solving skills. Respond to the pressure of the talent cultivation for industrial transformation, Tsing Hua University (NTHU) has united with local government and worked hand in hand since the academic year 107. NTHU has strived for Tsing Hua STEAM school by combining with interdisciplinary knowledge and information. It is the aim not only for Tsing Hua STEAM school but also for 12-year Basic Education to nurture cross-domain talents in that area and develop local employment. Apart from this, remote and isolated areas have struggled for education resources. It proved worthwhile to do further research on students’ learning outcomes of IT education in Remote Areas. On account of the mentioned previously, the researcher took steps of the research process in Tsing Hua STEAM teaching models during the information technology course in junior high school. The method to carry out this study was keeping observing the students’ learning outcomes in the natural environment, and constructing achievement tests and using questionnaires before and after the curriculum activities. It was a quantitative action research to determine students’ learning outcomes including IT ability level, learning attitude. These results indicate that learning Tsing Hua STEAM may make a positive influence on the remote school students’ cognition of information technology. It is a bit tricky for some of the student population to integrate IT skills into the classroom while they are manipulating blocks of code to make projects. They, however, anticipate learning in the Tsing Hua STEAM course. They are glad to cooperate with classmates and to learn together. The students can realize and affirm the significance of teamwork when encountering challenging problems. As stated above, learning outcomes of the remote school students who have engaged in the Tsing Hua STEAM course will be enhanced.

主题分类 竹師教育學院 > 課程與教學碩士在職專班
社會科學 > 教育學
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