


Determinants of Willingness to Use Application Software of Instant Messaging Based on Technology Acceptance Model and Innovation Diffusion Theory






網路程序分析法 ; 創新擴散理論 ; 科技接受模式 ; 即時通訊軟體 ; 德爾菲法 ; 決策實驗室分析法 ; Network Process Analysis Method ; Instant messaging APP ; technology acceptance model ; diffusion of innovation theory ; Delphi Method ; Decision-making Laboratory Analysis Method












近年隨著來行動裝置(智慧型手機、平板電腦)以及3G行動寬頻服務的日趨普及普及化,使行動裝置成為重要的生活應用可攜式設備。隨著行動裝置的市場崛起與行動寬頻服務的普及,行動應用軟體APP也興起開發熱潮,現今兩大陣營APPle的APP Store和Google的Google Play都有為數可觀的APP數量和下載次數,根據數位時代表示以Google Play為例:截至2013年1月約有80萬個APP,預估到2013年4月前可超過90萬個,而在6月就可以向100萬大關挺進,而Google Play的總下載次也數超過250億次之多。 其中又以應用在行動裝置上的即時通訊軟體最受人矚目,根據創市際市場研究顧問2013年3月公布的調查報告,從台灣使用智慧型手機應用程式的到達率來看,在2012年11月到2013年1月這段期間,國人最常用的APP前10名中,即時通訊類就占了4個,第1名Line、第4名是WhatAPP、第8名是Facebook Messenger與第10名的微信。而根據商業週刊也指出,即時通訊APP不僅紅遍各國,背後布局更影響了電信業的簡訊市場以及入口網站及電視業的廣告市場。以上跡象都顯示即時通訊軟體在APP的應用上扮演關鍵角色。而由於即時通訊APP在發展上有其舉足輕重的角色,為避免APP開發團隊僅僅跟隨潮流就投入研發而忽略了使用者使 用APP的關鍵因素,因此本研究選擇以即時通訊軟體作為研究的對象。 現今已有何苔麗等學者,投入研究手機應用軟體的相關研究,是以科技接受模式或創新擴散理論為基礎,探討消費者使用智慧型手機應用程式意願與感受,顯示出以科技接受模式及創新擴散理論為基礎,用在探討即時通訊軟體APP是適當且可行的。而在過去的相關文獻中大部分是探討所有類型智慧型手機的行動應用軟體的使用意願,鮮少針對APP的類別與特性做深入研究,畢竟不同使用群體對於APP的使用意願是不盡然相同的。而在研究方法方面則大都以迴歸統計分析法來探討,但迴歸分析多以因素間的加法型式呈現,不易展現準則間相互影響關係。 由於決策實驗室分析法與網路程序分析法,強調準則間或多或少存在著相依關係,在應用上也是找出關鍵因素的有效工具,因此本研究採用以決策實驗室分析法為基礎的網路程序分析法(Dematel-Based Analytic Network Process, DANP)。來釐清變數間相互影響關係,找出影響即時通訊軟體使用意願的關鍵因素以及關鍵因素的因果關係。在關鍵因素上,影響即時通訊軟體APP意願的關鍵因素有可觀察性、知覺易用、知覺有用、知覺有趣與相容性。 就關鍵因素的因果關係而言,本研究發現即時通訊軟體的發展從產品的可觀察性開始著手方能有效率的提升消費者使用意願,這顯示快速展現通訊類APP的特性是非常重要的。 其他的因果關係簡述如下: 一、 相容性影響可觀察性;新的通訊類APP的產品過去使用的經驗是否相符,會直接影響到是否能快速突顯通訊類APP的特色,因為若能減少使用者重新學習的障礙,就能使通訊類APP的功能與特性具體展現。 二、可觀察性影響相容性;要快速展現通訊類APP的特色,首要的訴求之一就是要以不能妨礙使用經驗為前提,因為通常人們使用APP時間短而零散,若要使用者探索不同的操作模式,使用意願一定大大降低。 三、可觀察性影響知覺有用性;要快速展現通訊類APP的特色,必須要訴求通訊類APP獨特的功能性。這事因為通訊類App產品使用者付出的成本很低,一展開程式就知道是否需求,使用者覺得好用就會持續使用,反之就會直接刪除。 四、可觀察性影響知覺易用性;通訊類APP在設計上要準確符合使用者的需求,放棄所有與核心價值無關的功能,避免多餘的功能混淆了主要的訴求。 五、可觀察性影響知覺有趣性;多數通訊類APP主要訴求強調易用性與有用性,但現今在通訊類APP在設計上應多注重趣味性 讓使用者能感受到有趣的感覺。 研究結果可提供開發行動即時通訊類軟體業者或團隊,未來在開發或改善上的重要參 考依據。


In recent years, mobile devices (smart phone, tablet PC) and 3G mobile broadband has growing popularity universally, which make mobile devices become a critical applied portable devices in daily life. With the rise of mobile device market and popularity of mobile broadband service, mobile applied software, that is, APP, also rises and booms; currently, two camps, APPlE APP Store and Google's Google Play both have a significant number of APP and downloading number. Indicated from Digital Times, Google Play, as of January 2013, have about 800,000 APP, which is estimated to more than 900,000 by April of 2013 and advance to one million mark in June, while Google Play also has downloads totaled over 25 billion times. Among of all, instant messaging APP on a mobile device is remarkable; indicated from InsightXplorer report released in March 2013, viewed from the achievement rate of Taiwanese people’s use of smart phone APP, during the period spanning from November, 2012 to January, 2013, amid TOP 10 APP people’s most common use, instant messaging accounted for four, where Line positioned as the first one and WhatAPP positioned as the fourth one, Facebook Messenger, the 8th one and WeChat, the 10th one. Also, indicated from Business Week, instant messaging APP not only is popular throughout the country, the roadmap behind has more effects on SMS market in the telecommunication industry, portals and advertisement market in the television industry. These signs indicate that instant messaging software plays a critical role in APP applications. As instant messaging APP has its pivotal role in the development, in order to avoid APP programmer team just following the trend for R & D and ignoring key elements of users’ use of APP, instant messaging software was chosen as the subject of this study. Now, we have scholars including but not limited to Ho, Tai-Li making researches in topic of mobile APP, where the study was based on technology acceptance model or the diffusion of innovation theory and the study attempted to explore consumer’s intention and perception of using smart phone APP, which indicated that it is feasible to use the said base in the discussion of instant messaging APP. Amongst all past literature in relevant topics, most of them were based on the discussion of willingness to use all types of smart phone APP, which few in-depth studies made on the category and characteristics of APP; after all, the willingness of using APP varies with user group. In the research method, statistical regression analysis accounted for a majority of studies, but it has been expressed and presented by adder forms among elements which has difficult to show the interactive relationship between the guidelines. Due to reason that decision-making laboratory analysis method and network process analysis both stressed dependencies presented among the guidelines more or less and it is also an effective tool to identify the key factors in the applications; hence, this study adopted Dematel-Based Analytic Network Process, (DANP) to clarify interactive relationship between variables and identify any key factor to cause influence on the willingness of using instant messaging APP and the causal relationship amid the key factors. On the aspect of the key factor with influence caused on the willingness of using instant messaging APP shall consist of observability, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived fun and compatibility. For the key factors to the causal relationship, this study discovered that instant messaging APP’s initiation from the observability of the product enables to efficiently enhance consumer’s willingness of use which shows that expedient display of communication-like APP features is significant without doubt. Other casual relationships are outlined as follows: 1. Compatibility affects observability; whether new communication-like APP fits with user experience aggregated or not has direct effect on its ability to speed up featuring such communication-like APP, because if the obstacles are able to be reduced during the period of user’s relearning, the function and feature of such APPs are enabled to exhibit specifically. 2. Observability affects compatibility; the first element of seeking for expedient display of features of communication-like APP is with free of obstacle in the user experience set as the precondition, because people spend segmented and short time in using APP, if the user is requested to explore diverse range of operation mode, the willingness of use may be likely to decline significantly. 3. Observability affects perceived usefulness; highlighted unique function of communication-like APP is mandatory to the expedient display of features of such APP; this is because it costs users of communication-like APP extremely low that whether fitting with demands or not is done by just expanding the program; user’s perceived usefulness results in ceaseless use, or delete if not. 4. Observability affects perceived ease of use; the design of communication-like APP has to fit with user’s needs where during this course, all irrelevant functions with the core value will be abandoned, so as to avoid redundancy mixing up with the primary claim. 5. Observability affects perceived fun; the most communication-like APP has a major claim, which is to stress ease of use and usefulness; however, nowadays, fun shall be added into the design more. The findings of this study may be provided as a significant reference for communication-like APP operators or teams in the future R&D or improvement.

主题分类 商學院 > 企業管理學系
社會科學 > 管理學
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